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Career Opportunity in Analytics and Big Data

Career Opportunity in Analytics and Big Data

The bulk of data floating around us needs to be saved and stored so that we can decipher it to make value-added business decisions. The process of collecting data and analysing it has made businesses more efficient.  As the size of the data increases, we must make it more comprehensible and useful keeping its complexity and variability intact. As big data skills become the most relevant, there are many new job opportunities on the rise too.

These Big Data & Analytics careers are as follows:

IT Systems Analyst

The role of an IT System Analyst is to design effective solutions for various problems in the field of Information Technology. This field requires a wide range of technical skills that further leads to attaining expertise in the field and opens more job opportunities of higher level. The job role requires the use of various tools to assess software in a company that results in the development of evolved ones based on the interpretation of data.

Operations Analyst

Even though large-scale companies hire Operations Analyst, they also have the option to work as consultants. The major focus area in this job role is to take care of the internal processes required for the effective functioning of any business such as manufacturing and distribution of a product, investigate workflows, perform statistical analysis, and streamlining of operations. Operations Analysts should have the necessary technical knowledge and skills based on the requirement of the companies or organisations.

Healthcare Data Analyst

The mission of a Healthcare Analyst is to improve the lives of people by enabling doctors and contributing to the ongoing research to find answers to the everyday problems that they might be facing on the health front. Healthcare industry is collecting data tremendously through various wearables such as fitness bands. As the regulations rise on how to store and process this data, the industry needs efficient Healthcare Data Analysts to analyse and make use of this data wisely.

Data Scientist

The job role is to assess data and draw useful insights on which the businesses can act upon to get enhanced results. With a detailed analysis, they are able to understand data in a more efficient manner and draw comprehensive conclusions for the organisation. A Data Scientist is essentially required to have knowledge in various analytical tools such as programming languages (R, python, etc.), software tools and data visualisation skills.

Read Another Blog: Why Is Data Science Known to Be the Next Hottest Career Field?

This is the perfect time to make an entry into the workforce as a data professional. Strong demand for skilled analytics professionals is also boosting the salaries of those who opt for the above-mentioned professions. However, there is a certain gap between academia and the industry, which needs to be reduced through the means of imparting high-quality education to the aspiring data scientists that can be done only by reputed universities and educational institutes.

For those who are inclined to opt for such an industry-relevant programme, REVA University offers M.Tech in Data Science in which the syllabus offers the study of advanced tools and techniques for managing, processing and evaluating data to draw meaningful insights.


