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Embracing Adaptive Learning at REVA

Embracing Adaptive Learning at REVA

It’s a new academic year and I am beyond happy to welcome you all to our Temple of Learning – REVA University. I’ve always thought that education should not just be confined only to classrooms but it should go beyond the four walls. As a Social Impact and Innovative University, we make it a priority to give students the best education possible and begin new and improved courses each year. In this post-pandemic era, with technology invading our lives and especially with the recent AI advances, a whole new experience of personalized learning has now emerged. This is exactly why we have tried to imbibe Adaptive Learning, a new concept of learning for our students.

In today’s world of education, Adaptive Learning is the new mantra. Though this concept of learning has always been prevalent in ancient India, it is only now that we, as educators, have realized that ‘one size does not for all’ in education. Each student has a unique learning need and they have their own struggles and requirements. Feedback for a student today should be quick and on time when it comes to their learning experience.

REVA’s core philosophy is built around providing holistic education to all. At REVA, adaptivity comes from the fact that learners of engineering, for example, need not be fitted into a silo and focus only on engineering subjects. In today’s world, I believe, an engineer also needs a bit of Humanities, Languages, Design, Arts, and even Sports that enable them to grow to be a holistic and well-rounded personality.

By embracing Adaptive Learning, we provide the latest offerings that assist students to learn efficiently and effectively. Apart from giving exposure to multiple courses and innovation avenues at REVA from the new academic year, the students, during the course of their academic journey, will get a chance to grasp facts and knowledge from diverse disciplines. From nutrition to dietetics to psychology, sports science, to design to engineering, our offerings are distinct and unique.

Within a decade, we have evolved into a multi-disciplinary University with a strong focus on bringing about change in society and the lives that we impact. Adaptive learning is just a feather in our cap with many more learning concepts to come in the coming years. We strive to provide programmes that are very different and we have not hesitated to offer niche programmes that make a difference to the economy on the whole. By offering such programmes, we match with the emerging trends in education and continue the journey in a fruitful manner.


