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Environment Studies and Its Importance to a Student

Environment Studies and Its Importance to a Student

Environment studies is all about learning the way we should live and how we can develop sustainable strategies to protect the environment. It helps individuals to develop an understanding of living and physical environment and how to resolve challenging environmental issues affecting nature. In addition to studying the physical aspects of the environment, it also emphasizes the need to conserve biodiversity and adopt a more sustainable lifestyle and utilize resources in a responsible way. To create awareness among today’s generation on pressing environmental problems, the University Grants Commission (UGC) has made it mandatory for the universities to introduce a course in environmental studies and teach students about the eco-system, pollution and problems concerned with the environment. Let us discuss the dire need to include environmental studies in the course curriculum.

Learn how to use resources sustainably

With natural resources such as air, water, oil, minerals are getting depleted rapidly, the environmental studies course can help students understand the importance of these resources and how we can improve the situation by taking appropriate actions in our regular lives to preserve these resources.

Create awareness about preserving the environment

Whether it is spreading awareness against plastic use or air pollution, universities can conduct various beyond-the-classroom activities as a part of this course to make students understand the significance of protecting the environment. Activities such as conducting awareness programs and rallies can prevent the degradation of the environment.

Participate in the mass movement to protect nature

While pursuing a course in environmental studies, students can be a part of mass public awareness movements and encourage their fellow batchmates to participate. Whether it is taking an initiative by planting trees in the campus, conducting workshops on various pressing issues or joining an NGO that supports environmental conservation, students can learn about various ways of protecting and conserving the environment.

Foster a healthy learning environment

Such important non-academic courses empower students to take a lead in creating a healthier, greener and sustainable learning environment where students understand the importance of saving the environment and take necessary steps to conserve the natural resources. Environment studies also help them develop the knowledge and skills required to address challenging environmental issues.

Pursue a full-time career in environment studies

Career opportunities in environmental studies are thriving with multiple options in the energy industry, animal conservation and more. You can prepare yourself for a fulfilling career that will include everything from conducting research, protecting the environment, crunching statistics, analyzing data, working in the field, interviewing people about disaster management and drafting policies with lawmakers to conserve the planet.
To sum up the importance of introducing environment studies in course curriculum, the objectives are mainly to help students realize the significance of natural resources and learn to develop solutions to pressing environmental problems. The aim should be developing a world where every individual is aware of and concerned about environmental issues and work towards creating sustainable strategies for the current situation and preventing future problems.

