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Leading the Way, Cultivating a Greener Community

Leading the Way, Cultivating a Greener Community

The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it. - Robert Swan 

June is the month of greenery. Rain comes, and nature flourishes with lush, vibrant pastures. Trees and plants revive, filling the landscape with rich greenery. The air is fresh, and the environment feels alive, creating a perfect backdrop for new beginnings and renewed energy. Reflecting on Robert Swan's words, I feel joyful and sombre at the same time this Environment Month. I am joyful because REVA University has proactively established a benchmark in sustainability through numerous forward-thinking initiatives. From extensive tree planting to promoting cycling and organic farming, our efforts have made a significant impact on our campus and community. Yet, I am also concerned because too often, we rely on the notion that someone else will save the planet, instead of taking personal responsibility and making the necessary efforts ourselves. It's important that we all recommit to sustainable practices and make conscious choices to protect and preserve our environment for future generations. 

At REVA University, as we celebrate World Environment Day, it is an opportune moment to reflect on the significant strides we have made in integrating sustainability into every facet of our campus life. Our commitment to environmental stewardship is evident through various comprehensive programs aimed at fostering a green and sustainable future. Our expansive campus stands out among these efforts, focusing on enhancing our green cover, promoting organic farming, and implementing robust waste management practices.  We have a beautiful Green Park at its heart, adorned with diverse trees, bushes, and a lush lawn that attracts nature lovers. This park keeps the campus cool and ensures fresh, clean air. Our Platinum LEED-certified buildings and spacious lung areas provide perfect spots for students to relax, read, and enjoy nature. The seasonal flower beds and flowering trees add vibrant beauty, creating a harmonious environment where flora and fauna coexist. I am proud and happy that these features highlight the university's commitment to sustainability.  

Ever since its inception our community has planted thousands of trees and embraced waste segregation and composting. Our NCC, NSS and various schools have jointly organised our Tree Plantation Drive Vanamahotsava in various parts of the city. I believe that these activities not only improve our campus environment but also instill a deep sense of ecological responsibility in our students and staff.  
  • It is a proud moment for REVA University as our Sports Department enthusiastically organised World Bicycle Day with the theme: "Eco-Ride-Bicycle to Promote Health, Equity, and Sustainability Through Cycling." Our dedicated cyclists embarked on an eco-friendly ride covering approximately 20 kilometres. I am extremely thrilled to see such enthusiastic participation, reinforcing our dedication to fostering a greener and healthier community.  Our Department of Agriculture Engineering organised various impactful activities this month as part of World Environment Day. From sowing seeds and tree planting on campus to crafting and displaying seed jewellery, our agriculture team has made significant contributions to society through sustainability programs. Additionally, in-house-grown vegetables have been available for sale on the Campus under the REVA FRESH initiative, which aims to generate and sell vegetables and fruits. I believe these activities not only focus on sustainable practices and environmental stewardship but also bring us together as a community, fostering learning, engagement, and collective action for a greener future. 
  • As I always say, at REVA University, sustainability is not just a policy but a way of life. Our dedication to environmental conservation extends to rigorous research and innovation in sustainable practices and community engagement. Faculty and students collaborate on projects focusing on biodegradable materials, renewable energy solutions, and biodiversity conservation. These research efforts position us at the forefront of finding practical and impactful solutions to environmental challenges. As we look forward, REVA University will continue to champion sustainability, ensuring that every member of our community contributes to a greener, healthier planet. I want all of you to recommit to these values and make sustainable living an integral part of your daily lives.  
Happy World Environment Month to everyone! 

