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Technology and Defence: Shaping a Viksit Bharat

Technology and Defence: Shaping a Viksit Bharat

"The youth need to be enabled to become job generators from job seekers."-Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam

As we celebrate our 78th Independence Day, I find myself reflecting on the remarkable progress our nation has made and the pivotal role that technology and defence play in shaping Viksit Bharat—a developed India. The journey from a fledgling nation to a global powerhouse has been driven by our unwavering commitment to innovation, resilience, and self-reliance. At REVA University, we stand at the forefront of this transformation, nurturing the minds that will lead us into a brighter, more secure future.  At this juncture, I reflect on Dr. Abdul Kalam's vision for the youth to become job providers rather than job seekers. I am deeply committed to this philosophy and have been actively implementing it at our Temple of Learning – REVA University.

India's defence sector has witnessed a paradigm shift, embracing cutting-edge technologies to safeguard our sovereignty and enhance our global standing. From indigenous missile systems to advanced radar technologies, our defence capabilities have grown exponentially. This progress is a testament to the tireless efforts of our scientists, engineers, and defence personnel who work relentlessly to ensure our nation's safety.

The theme of this year's Independence Day, 'Viksit Bharat,' resonates deeply with our mission at REVA University. We are committed to fostering a culture of innovation and excellence, particularly in the fields of technology and defence. Our team of National Cadet Corps (NCC) exemplifies this commitment. The NCC unit at REVA University plays a crucial role in instilling discipline, patriotism, and a sense of duty among our students. Their participation in various training programs, drills, and community services not only prepares them for future challenges but also ingrains a spirit of service to the nation.

In the realm of technology, REVA University is dedicated to providing our students with the skills and knowledge required to excel in an ever-evolving landscape. Our state-of-the-art laboratories, research centres, and industry collaborations ensure that our students are well-equipped to contribute to the nation's technological advancements. From artificial intelligence and machine learning to cybersecurity and robotics, our programmes are designed to create the innovators and leaders of tomorrow.

One of the most exciting aspects of our technological journey is the integration of defence into our learning. It includes visits to defence institutes, internship opportunities, webinars, and talks on career opportunities in the armed forces. By doing so, we aim to engage students in projects that explore the application of defence and advanced communication systems. 

The NCC unit at REVA University has been instrumental in promoting defence and its applications. Through various activities, our cadets have demonstrated the practical applications of defence activities in real-world scenarios. Their participation in national-level competitions, workshops, and seminars has garnered accolades and recognition, highlighting the potential of our young minds in contributing to the defence sector.

On this Independence Day, let us reaffirm our commitment to building a Viksit Bharat. Let us celebrate the spirit of innovation, the dedication of our defence forces, and the potential of our youth. Together, we can create a nation that stands tall on the pillars of technology, defence, and unwavering patriotism. Jai Hind!


