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Working SMART works

Working SMART works

Working in alignment with timelines is the keyword for those who execute best and those are successful in implementing all that they plan and strategize.  According to me, this is the mantra that ensures successful implementation of any new idea or project.  This is where I am reminded of SMART goals which enable Leaders to steer their team forward.  This is a powerful acronym that which we are all aware of and helps us focus on and channelise our efforts towards the GOAL that has been set ahead for us. This also gives every faculty member in the team a clear direction and focus on the Goals set.

S that stands for Specific.  This is crucial for any planning; for, as leaders unless and until we are specific about what is the outcome of the plan that we have set ahead and clear on the specifics like who is the action owner in our team, are they clear of the objective of the task set, is there any ambiguity in the task that needs your intervention we cannot progress further.

M denotes Measure and measuring progress periodically of the tasks assigned is a must and this is where the ATR plays an important role.  Quantifying goals and measuring them periodically indicates the progress that is made by our team

A which is Achievable.  A goal, means as leaders we need to think on whether the tasks set as a goal for a team are realistic and is achievable or else the entire process of setting the goal goes in vain

R that stands for Realistic dovetails the earlier points.  Have we planned our goals keeping in mind the competency of the team, do we have additional resources in hand, are our goals within reach or have we just put down thoughts for we need to put them down is a crucial decision that a judicious leader has to make.

T stands for Time and that which is crucial for the success of any GOAL.  Our timelines have to be smart and realistic and only with target dates and timelines can we achieve anything

SMART goals enable you work smart and follow a method which in turn enables you push your team further and help the Organisation grow at an accelerated speed


