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Chancellor's Message


Dr. P. Shyama Raju

Founder and Chancellor
REVA University

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world."

- Nelson Mandela.
Welcome to REVA University!

In 2004, REVA Group of Institutions was established with the founding philosophy ‘Knowledge is Power’, and since then, we have been committed towards building a community of perpetual learners who can achieve what they aspire.

From a small group of 150 students, REVA has grown into a massive community with more than 15,000 students studying at the University every year.

As we nurture this community, we have realized learning should be continuous, and cross all borders. Hence, REVA University adopted the mission to make learning unlimited. Our driving principle ‘Learning Unlimited’ is empowered with the adoption of technology.

As we have seen in the recent past, technology in education is not just an enabler, but a necessary medium, and the crisis in the Education sector during the pandemic helped us all understand the importance of virtual learning.

Going forward, digital-first is an approach every University must adopt, and I am happy to share that much before in 2016 REVA University laid a roadmap to be a technology-driven university. Our early preparedness helped us in transition from offline to online learning. Now, Blended Learning is the way forward and is the biggest enabler of seamless learning.

Our core vision remains to change the way students learn from traditional learning methodologies and we are happy to adapt and adopt technological changes.

The ecosystem at REVA University is not only tech-centered but is developed in such a way that it contributes to the overall development of a student. Our exclusive executive programme RACE (REVA Academy for Corporate Excellence) has been ranked 2nd in India for MBA in Business Analytics, REVA NEST- the Start-Up Incubator, and many other academic initiatives are designed to make our students corporate-ready. In a step ahead, the UIIC (University-Industry Interaction Centre) programme allows students to interact, engage and learn from industry leaders. The UIIC is an exclusive programme of the University and a key facilitator in bridging the gap between the industry and the academia.

In near future, we aim to make all the disciplines at par with our exclusive programmes, and REVA aspires to be a coveted multi-disciplinary institution in the global education sector. True leaders and game-changers are made when a University takes it on its shoulders to mould personalities and gives life to the ideas of its students.

With the dedicated efforts of our eminent faculty members, I am certain REVA University students will be guided and mentored in such a way that they will be the leaders and game-changers of tomorrow.


