Computer Science and System Engineering encompasses a variety of topics that relates to computation and applications of computing like, development of algorithms, analysis of algorithms, programming languages, software design, computer hardware, e-commerce, business information technology, Data Analytics, Machine Learning, Block Chain Technology, Augmented Virtual Reality, Mobile Application Development, IoT, Wireless Sensor network, Web Technology. Information Science and Engineering has roots in Electrical Engineering, Mathematics, and Linguistics. In the past Computer Science and information science were taught as part of mathematics or engineering departments and in the last 3 decades they are emerged as separate engineering fields. In the present information era (Knowledge era), the Information Science and Engineering program will see an exponential growth as the future machines work on artificial intelligence.
The oldest known complex computing device, called the Antikythera mechanism, dates back to 87 B.C., to calculate astronomical positions and help Greeks navigate through the seas. Computing took another leap in 1843, when English mathematician Ada Lovelace wrote the first computer algorithm, in collaboration with Charles Babbage, who devised a theory of the first programmable computer. But the modern computing- machine era began with Alan Turing’s conception of the Turing Machine and three Bell Labs scientists invention of the transistor, which made modern-style computing possible, and landed them the 1956 Nobel Prize in Physics. For decades, Computing Technology was exclusive to the government and the military; later, academic institutions came online, and Steve Wozniak built the circuit board for Apple-1, making home computing practicable. On the connectivity side, Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide Web, and Marc Andreessen built a browser, and that’s how we came to live in a world where our glasses can tell us what we’re looking at. With wearable computers, embeddable chips, smart appliances, and other advances in progress and on the horizon, the journey towards building smarter, faster and more capable computers is clearly just beginning.
Computers have become ubiquitous part of modern life, and new applications are introduced every day. The use of computer technologies is also commonplace in all types of organizations, in academia, research, industry, government, private and business organizations. As computers become even more pervasive, the potential for computer-related careers will continue to grow and the career paths in computer-related fields will become more diverse. Since 2001, global information and communication technologies (ICTs) have become more powerful, more accessible, and more widespread. They are now pivotal in enhancing competitiveness, enabling development, and bringing progress to all levels of society.
The career opportunities for Information Science and Engineering graduates are plenty and growing. Programming and software development, Data Scientists, Data Analysts, information systems operation and management, telecommunications and networking, computer science research, web and Internet, graphics and multimedia, training and support, and computer industry specialists are some of the opportunities the graduates find. The School of Computing and Information Technology at REVA UNIVERSITY offers B. Tech., Information Science and Engineering, an undergraduate program to create motivated, innovative, creative and thinking graduates to fill ICT positions across sectors who can conceptualize, design, analyze, and develop ICT applications to meet the modern day requirements.
The B. Tech. in Computer Science and System Engineering curriculum developed by the faculty at the School of Computing and Information Technology is outcome based and it comprises required theoretical concepts and practical skills in the domain. By undergoing this program, students develop critical, innovative, creative thinking and problem solving abilities for a smooth transition from academic to real-life work environment. In addition, students are trained in interdisciplinary topics and attitudinal skills to enhance their scope. The above mentioned features of the program, advanced teaching and learning resources and experience of the faculty members with their strong connections with ICT sector makes this program unique.