01Calculus and Linear Algebra
02Applied Physics
03Surveying and Levelling-I
04Engineering Properties of Biological Materials
05Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
06Basics of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Lab
07Programming with C
08Engineering Workshop
09Applied Physics Lab
10Agri-Allied Skills and Technology
01 Differential Equation and Fourier Series
02Chemistry for Agriculture Engineering
03Advanced Surveying and Levelling
04Principles of Soil Science and Agronomy
05Thermodynamics and Heat Engines
06Unit Operations in Agricultural Processing
07Soil Mechanics
08Engineering Mechanics and Strength of Materials
09Chemistry for Agriculture Engineering Lab
10Communication Skills
01 Numerical Methods and Laplace Transformation
02Tractor and Automotive Engines
03Farm Machinery and Equipment-I
04Engineering Hydrology
05Heat and Mass Transfer in Agriculture Engineering
06Dairy and Food Process Engineering
07Fluid Mechanics and open channel hydraulics
08Fundamentals of Data Science
01 Soil and Water Conservation Engineering
02Smart Irrigation Systems
03Tractor Systems and Controls
04Farm Machinery and Equipment-II
05Fundamentals of Renewable Energy Sources and Emerging Technologies
06Post Harvest Engineering of Cereals Pulses and Oilseeds
07Post Harvest Engineering of Horticulture Crops
08Hi-Tech Greenhouse Farming
01 Water Harvesting and Soil Conservation
02Groundwater Wells and Pumps
03Remote Sensing and GIS application in Agriculture Engineering
04Instrumental and process control in food industry
05Tractor Design and Testing
06 Tractor and Farm Machinery Operation and Maintenance
07Skill Development Training-I
08Artificial intelligence in Agriculture engineering
09Skill Development Course-1 [CAD Lab] and
10State Educational Tour
01 Bio-energy Systems: Design and Applications
02Watershed Planning and Management
03Drainage Engineering
04Human Safety Engineering
05Micro Irrigation System Design and Operation
06Agricultural Structures and Environmental Control
07Basics Concepts and Applications of Agrochemicals
08Landscape irrigation Design and management
01 Skill Development Course (MOOC) Agri-Business and Entrepreneurship
02Professional Development Program/Internship (Student READY)
03Experiential Learning Program: (Student READY)
04All India Educational Tour*
01Elective Course (SWE)
02 Elective Course (PFE)
03 Elective Course (FMP)
04 Project Planning and Report Writing