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Diploma In Tabla (Online/Offline)

Course Duration

2 Semesters
(1 Year)

Eligibility Criteria



The School of Performing Arts offers vocational Diploma programs in Dance, Music, and Indology. Our dance curriculum encompasses Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, Mohiniyattam, Kathak, Yakshagana, Filmmaking, Tabla, Carnatic, and Hindustani music. Our Tabla program provides a comprehensive foundation in rhythmic artistry, covering various playing techniques, solo performance, and ensemble collaboration. Students across all disciplines immerse themselves in both the theoretical and practical aspects of their chosen field, a crucial balance in today's creative landscape. We believe that a strong theoretical foundation is essential for artists to not only master their craft but also to develop a critical perspective. This knowledge empowers them to innovate, collaborate, and effectively communicate their artistic vision. Through our Diploma programs, we aim to cultivate skilled practitioners, insightful thinkers, and industry-ready professionals.


Course Code Course Title Course Type L T P C
Tabla Instrument (Avanaddha Vadya) Theory - 1 HC 7 1 0 8
Tabla Instrument (Avanaddha Vadya) Practical- 1 HC 1 0 7 8

Course Objectives Theory:


Provide an overview of the history and development of Indian classical music, including its key elements, forms, and significant milestones.


Equip students with a comprehensive understanding of the structure, technique, and rhythmic concepts of the Tabla, including its components and playing techniques.


Explore the history, evolution, and contributions of various Gharanas (schools) of Tabla playing, emphasizing the key figures and their contributions to the art form.


Enable students to identify, practice, and notate fundamental Taals (rhythmic cycles) such as Dhadra, Keherwa, and Teentaal, including advanced rhythmic patterns and notations.

Course Objectives Practical:


To provide students with foundational knowledge of the basic bols (syllables) used in Tabla, including their pronunciation, rhythmic value.


To provide students with foundational knowledge of the basic bols (syllables) role in various compositions.


To enable students to proficiently play the Theka (basic rhythmic pattern) in Dhadra Tala, including its variations and the ability to maintain rhythm and improvisation.


To develop the students’ ability to apply learned bols and Theka patterns in practical settings, including solo and ensemble performances.

Course Outcomes Practical:

PO 1
Students will be able to identify and pronounce the basic bols of Tabla, demonstrating an understanding of their rhythmic functions within compositions.
PO 2
Students will be able to notate the basic bols of Tabla, demonstrating an understanding of their rhythmic functions within compositions.
PO 3
Students will be capable of playing the Theka in Dhadra Tala with precision, including variations, and will be able to accompany a vocalist or instrumentalist with appropriate rhythmic support.
PO 3
Students will show the ability to apply their knowledge of bols and Theka in practical scenarios, including live performances and rhythmic exercises, demonstrating rhythmic accuracy and improvisational skills.

Course Content Theory/Practical:

UNIT I Introduction and History of Indian Classical Music & Structure of Tabla Introduction and history of Indian Classical Music
Structural knowledge of Tabla
UNIT II History and Evolution of Tabla History and evolution of Tabla
Definition of Tala, Laya, Matra, Thali, Khali, Vibhag, Sam, Kayada, Palta, Tihayi, Gath, Paran, Chakradhar, Mukhda and Tukda
UNIT III Gharana & its Prominence, Biographies of Founders of Specific Gharanas Gharana and its prominence
Biographies of the founders of the Gharana: Ut. Sidhar Khan Dhadi (Dhili Garana), Ut. Bakshu Khan & Modu Khan (Lucknow Gharana), Pt. Ram Sahai (Benaras Gharana), Haji Vilayat Khan (Farukabad Gharana),
Ut Miru Khan and Ut. Kallu Khan (Ajrada Gharana), Ut. Kader Baksh (Punjab
UNIT IV Knowledge of Basic Taals & Study of Notations Knowledge of basic Taals like Dhadra, Keherwa, Teentaal and its recital in Ekgun, Dugun and Chougun
Study of writing the notations of Kayada, Gath and Chakradhar in Teentaal
UNIT VI Fundamentals of Tabla Instrument - 1 Knowledge of basic bols of Tabla (Varnas) - 1
UNIT VII Fundamentals of Tabla Instrument - 2 Knowledge of basic bols of Tabla (Varnas) - 2
UNIT VIII Fundamentals of Tabla Instrument - 3 Knowledge of basic bols of Tabla (Varnas) - 3
UNIT IX Thala - 1 Playing of Theka in Dhadra & its variations


Course Code Course Title Course Type L T P C
Tabla Instrument (Avanaddha Vadya) Theory - 2 HC 7 1 0 8
Tabla Instrument (Avanaddha Vadya) Practical- 4 HC 1 0 7 8
Tabla Instrument (Avanaddha Vadya) Mini Project Work HC 0 0 0 4

Course Objectives Theory/Practical


Develop a thorough understanding of Bhatkhande and Vishnu Digambar Taal notation systems to accurately read and notate rhythmic patterns in Indian classical music.


Delve into the distinctive bol patterns and techniques specific to various gharanas, enhancing the student's ability to identify and perform these styles.


Gain knowledge about the major categories of Indian classical musical instruments— Avanadha, Ghana, Sushira, and Tata Vadya—and their roles within the music.


Learn about the Pancha Jati rhythmic patterns and Taals such as Jhaptaal, Roopak, and Deepchandi, including their performance in different layakaris (Ekgun, Dugun, Chougun).


Students will achieve a high level of technical proficiency in tabla, focusing on executing intricate compositions and variations in Teentaal, including Uthan, Kayada, Gaths, and Chakradhars.


Students will enhance their performance skills by preparing and delivering solo tabla performances of ten minutes each, incorporating complex rhythmic patterns and compositions.


Students will learn and practice effective accompaniment techniques for vocal and instrumental performances in Teentaal, ensuring they can adapt their playing to support different musical contexts.


tudents will cultivate their rhythmic creativity by composing and performing original tabla solos, integrating traditional and innovative elements in Teentaal.

Course Outcomes Theory / Practical

PO 1
Students will be able to accurately read, write, and notate Bhatkhande and Vishnu Digambar Taal notations, applying them to various compositions.
PO 2
Students will demonstrate an in-depth understanding of gharana-specific bols and be able to perform and identify different gharana styles effectively.
PO 3
Students will be able to classify and describe major categories of Indian classical musical instruments and discuss their functions and significance in performances.
PO 4
Students will be capable of performing and writing thekas (rhythmic patterns) of Vilambit Ek Taal and Vilambit Teental, and demonstrate proficiency in executing Jhaptaal, Roopak, and Deepchandi Taals in Ekgun, Dugun, and Chougun.
PO 5
Students will be able to perform a ten-minute tabla solo in Teentaal with Uthan, demonstrating technical skill and rhythmic clarity.
PO 6
Students will execute a ten-minute tabla solo in Teentaal incorporating one Kayada and three Gaths, showcasing their ability to interpret and present complex compositions.
PO 7
Students will perform a ten-minute tabla solo in Teentaal featuring three Chakradhars, illustrating their understanding of advanced rhythmic patterns and transitions.
PO 8
Students will successfully provide vocal and instrumental accompaniment in Teentaal, adapting their playing to enhance the overall musical performance and interaction with other musicians.

Course Content Theory / practical

UNIT I Notation & Gharana’s Specific Bols Knowlede of Bhatkhande and Vishnu digambar Taal notation
Deep dive into Gharana Specific bols
UNIT II Musical Instruments & Rhythmic Patterns in Indian Classical Music Knowledge about major categories of Musical Instruments (Avanadha, Ghana, Sushira & Tata Vadya)
Knowledge of Pancha Jati or Rhythmic patterns in Indian Classical Music
UNIT III Knowledge of Taals and Their Recital, Knowledge of Taals like Jhaptaal, Roopak, Deepchandi and its recital in Ekgun, Dugun and Chougun
Write Thekas of Vilambit Ek Taal and Vilambit Teental
UNIT IV Thekas of Vilambit Taals Biographies of Ustad Kanthe Maharaj, Ut Ahmedjaan Thirakwa, Ustad Allah Rakha, Ustad Habbibudin Khan
UNIT V Exploring the Nuances of Tabla - 3 Tabla Solo for Ten minutes in Teentaal with Uthan,
UNIT VI Exploring the Nuances of Tabla - 4 Tabla Solo for Ten minutes in Teentaal with one Kayada, & three Gaths
UNIT VII Exploring the Nuances of Tabla - 5 Tabla Solo for Ten minutes in Teentaal with 3 Chakradhars
UNIT VIII Essential Techniques and Skills - 2 Vocal  and Instrumental Accompaniment in Teentaal


