12 Jan 2022
AIU South Zone Inter University Table Tennis Men Tournament-2021-22
Organized by: REVA University, Bengaluru
South Zone Inter University Table Tennis Men Tournament organized by Department of Physical Education, REVA University from January 3rd to 6th of 2022, with the great zeal and enthusiasm. The tournament was inaugurated by Hon chancellor Dr.P.Shyama Raju, Respected Vice Chancellor, Respected Registrar and Director of Physical education of REVA University. All over South India 74 Universities have participated in this tournament. players from Andhra Pradesh 15 university Telangana 12 university, Karnataka-20 universities Kerala 07 universities, TamilNadu 20 universities, total 330 players 70 Managers and Coaches from Various Universities have represented and 8 Technical Officials from Karnataka Table Tennis Association, 25 Volunteers and a staff and faculty of REVA University have worked for this Tournament. Four days-74 matches best of five sets successfully conducted by Department of Physical Education as per schedule. Out of 74 matches played enthusiastically SRM University Chennai and University of Madras have been the finalists for the game played on 06-01-2022.And The Winners of the tournament is SRM University.
VALEDICTORY CEREMONY The Dignitaries present on the occasion of closing ceremony are beloved Vice Chancellor sir Dr. M. Dhanamjaya. , Respected Registrar sir Dr. N Ramesh, and Dr.Deepak.C S Director of Physical Education, all Core-Committee member and the Prize winners are SRM University Tamilnadu-First place, University of Madras Tamilnadu -Second place, Osmania University, Hyderabad -Third place, Vels Instiute Of Science,Techonology & Advanced Studies,Chenni -Fourth Place.
In the short time The B block and C block courtyard are of boys hostel was converted as an indoor table tennis arena with newly equipped facilities and executed successfully with the help of the management. Thank you so much for all the support and effort to make this event successful one.
We have also given accommodation for the players, coaches and officials in the University itself.
A special thanks to our hon. Chancellor sir for providing us infrastructure and being our constant support without whom this event would not have been successful. Thank you once again sir.
I also would like to take this opportunity to thank our beloved Vice Chancellor sir and Respected Registrar sir for having our back in all the ways possible. Thank you sir.
Special thanks to the officials of Karnataka Table tennis Association for being here with us with the best technical support.
I would like to give a heartfelt thanks to all the participants and officials who took part in this prestigious event.
Last but not the least I would love to give a heartfelt thanks to our dear students who volunteered, staff and faculties who coordinated with us, without whom this event would not have been possible.
Winners - SRM University TamilNadu
Runners - University of Madras, TamilNadu
Second Runners - Osmania University, Hyderabad
Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies, Chennai -Fourth Place
Organizing Committee and Volunteers