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06 Feb 2023

Automotive Product Design

The School of Mechanical Engineering in association with SKILL LYNC, organizing a 4 days workshop on "Automotive Product Design" for 6th Semester students from 6th February to 9th February 2023.

Automotive Product Development process is based on the Mechanical Design with development process of which starts from Product planning to detail design. It also delivers the knowledge on the milestones of each stage in production of automobile from concept to product. It imbibes the knowledge on the concepts developed and differences between Industrial Designs and Engineering designs. Development of virtual product/design using the CATIA software and analyzing using Hyper mesh gives us the knowledge of modelling reliability of the product developed. SKILL LYNC is one of the leading e-learning. It also offers academic and career counselling to the pupil for getting better opportunities in the industry. 

Automotive Product Design

