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22 Apr 2025

Behavioural Studies & Environmental Influence

Department of Biotechnology, School of Applied Sciences, REVA University in association with Ethological Society of India welcomes you to the international conference on “Behavioural Studies and Environmental Influence”, on 22nd and 23rd April 2025 at REVA University, Bangalore. This conference highlights studies on behavior which are vital for Biodiversity conservation, livestock and wildlife management, optimum utilization of animal and human resources, pest management and ultimately for better understanding of human behavior. In its formative stages, behavioral studies were mostly observational till the classic work of Lorenz, Tinbergen and Frisch which catapulted them into Nobel laureates. This had a cascading effect on research on animal behavior resulting in intense studies in several areas of behavior mainly information acquisition (neuroethology) and transfer (communication), ecological aspects, socio- biology, reproductive strategies, evolutionary physiology, endocrinology, circadian rhythms, and applied behavior.

Behavioural Studies & Environmental Influence

