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27 Feb 2018

Bharat Electronics Ltd Industry Visit Report

About the Programme : To be a world-class enterprise in professional electronics. To be a customer focussed globally competitive company in defence electronics and in other chosen areas of professional electronics, through quality, technology and innovation.


To be a world-class enterprise in professional electronics.


To be a customer focussed globally competitive company in defence electronics and in other chosen areas of professional electronics, through quality, technology and innovation.

Research Area:

We group of 23(21 students + 2 Faculty) reached BEL, Blore at 9:50 AM and we were directed to conference hall (new management block) to view a half an hour video presentation on above-mentioned research areas carried out in BEL.

Mr. Hemanthkumar, public relation officer, BEL took us to display room wherein he briefed out about the BEL products and work done in the field of defence communication systems. Later we visited the following labs

1) Military Communication division: Mr. Muralidhar jadav explained about various radio communication equipment like Medium Power HF SSB Manpack Radio (LHP 265DI), VLF/HF Relay Radio Receivers, V/UHF AM/FM Transceivers in the field of Army, Defence, and Navy. He also explained about Software Defined Radio (SDR) which is the indigenous product of BEL.

2) Radio testing division: In this division, Mr. Muralidhar jadav briefed out about the environmental test screening done for radios under different temperature conditions in the Thermal test chamber.Also, he demonstrated the steps carried out in Automatic Test Equipment (ATE) using LabView.

3) Military RADAR division: Mr. Harshith illustrated the upgradation process of  Schilka ZSU-23-4 air defense weapon system and he also explained the voice communication and data communication process with radio base station. Then he educated us about the importance of thermal camera used in DOPPLER RADAR unit adopted in Schilka weapon system.

4) Electromagnetic compatibility test centre: Mr Subbarao explained about the importance of electromagnetic interference and compatibility in testing the various military systems /Equipments. Also he illustrated the cone type design technique adopted in the laboratory.

On behalf of School of ECE we would like to thank Honorable Chancellor Dr.P.Shyama Raju, Vice Chancellor Dr.S.Y. Kulkarni, and Registrar Dr. M. Dhanamjaya for their continuous support for knowledge enhancement programmes for faculty member and students. We also take this opportunity to thank our Director School of ECE Dr. R C Biradar for initiating this project.

We also thank J.Syam Sundar Sarin,Senior Manager – Corporate Relations, Placements for guiding us  and Mr. G.Lakshman DGM (Admin) for providing transportation facility. We whole heartedly thank to Mr. Anil Kumar Soans Sr. DGM (Public Relations) ,BEL for granting permission to visit.


Faculty members:

V B Students:


