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23 Sep 2019

Face Painting Competition

"Face Painting Competition" was conducted by School of ECE under FORCE on 23rd September 2019. Students were split into a group of 2 students each and were given the theme- ‘Dream’ and had to come up with ideas on the spot. Different parameters were considered while judging the event.

Outcomes of Face Painting Competition

On behalf of FORCE team I would like to thank our beloved Chancellor Sir Dr. P. Shyama Raju for providing all facilities to conduct such programmes. We thank Dr.R.C. Biradar, Director, School of ECE & Lakshman G, and Deputy General Manager for their continuous support.

We highly appreciate Anupama madam and Sarveda madam, for sparing their valuable time and judging the entire event. Last but not the least we thank student FORCE Coordinators and Volunteers without whom this event wouldn’t have been a success.

Event Details:

Face Painting Competition: Amphitheatre, C V Raman Block

Event Timing


10:30am to 12.30pm

30 Students (15 teams)

Face Painting Competition

