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14 Mar 2019



Date : 14 March 2019

Organized By : School of Commerce, REVA University

Resource Person:KIRAN S. BETTADAPUR - Advocate, Patent Attorney, Innovator, Executive, Investor and Entrepreneur

Reported by : Dr. HARANI B - Assistant Professor & FDP, SDP & conference Coordinator

Guest lecture on innovation drain to entrepreneurship has been accompanied on March 14, 2019 at School of commerce, REVA University. Event was conducted to promote the students towards becoming entrepreneurs rather than working in the corporate companies. Speaker started the presentation with India’s contribution to the world GDP before the Britishers and after their rule. The data says that India contributed 30% to the worlds GDP before the British rule and when they ruled and went back it was just 3%. At next level speaker concentrated on role of innovation in entrepreneurship development with practical examples. He gave his views from his working experience and the knowledge he possesses from the Intellectual rights.

He provided the true knowledge what is required for an individual to become an entrepreneur and also focused on the development of the thoughts of changing the problem into business. The requirements of the entrepreneur mainly consist of the financial, organization and the labor. Once these things are managed properly by the entrepreneurs, they achieve success. Each and every invention were not very popular but the one which clicked in the market are ruling the world. There have been many patents regarding each and every thing that got invented so that so no could copy their inventions. As just for the seat belts of the 3700 different patents have been registered. So, at last he concluded by saying to prepare for the problems & changes are faced by the entrepreneurs in the day to day competitive business world. He also given solution to overcome out of this is “Innovate or Perish”. Every new invention might not get success like apple faced a loss on inventing T.V + P.C into one device. And it cost them huge loss. But we should not stop thinking and working on our goals.

The event offered a combination of sharing and interactive activities designed to bring about a unique experience for both our guest and participants. About 120 participants comprising of students of B.Com. VI Semester, faculty members of School of commerce, REVA University attended the event. The event was concluded with Vote of thanks by Dr. Harani B and gave memento as token of affection on behalf of REVA family. 


