08 Nov 2017
The School of ECE had arranged an industrial visit to Master Control Facilty,ISRO,Hassan dated on 08/11/2017, for the students of 3rd year (5th Sem E Section) consisting of 43 students. These students were accompanied by Prof. Ravi Shankar D. The visit commenced at 1.45 pm in the afternoon, where series of formalities were undertaken by the military officials from the entrance gate to till the venue allotted.
Master Control Facility (MCF) at Hassan in Karnataka controls all the Geostationary / Geosynchronous satellites of ISRO, namely, INSAT, GSAT, Kalpana and IRNSS series of satellites. MCF is responsible for Orbit Raising of satellites, In-orbit payload testing, and On-orbit operations all through the life of these satellites. MCF activities include round-the-clock Tracking, Telemetry & Commanding (TT&C) operations, and special operations like Eclipse management, Station-keeping manoeuvres and recovery actions in case of contingencies. MCF interacts with User Agencies for effective utilisation of the satellite payloads and to minimise the service disturbances during special operations.
Mr. Manjunath, Senior Scientist, MCF, ISRO, welcomed the gathering and guided the students with initial demo videos of basic need of satellite, its invention, different kinds with the evolutionary background, satellite preparation, rocket launch and explained the models of Earth Stations and Telemetry Tracking,Commanding and Monitoring.(TTC&M).
Mr. Manjunath answered all the queries that students had related to the things they had observed at MCF, ISRO. Students were then encouraged to take up the entrance exam and avail various positions at MCF, ISRO with the best ever possible benefits they could imagine. He insisted students to become Entrepreneurs and provide job opportunities to others. He advised students to dream big and achieve the best possible of it. He also appreciated the initiative taken up by REVA University for introducing such visits for the young minds and nurturing their careers. Hence, the industrial visit to MCF, ISRO enriched knowledge to both students and faculty in knowing more about Metereological and Communication Satellites and Its Launching. On behalf of our School of ECE we would like to thank our Honorable Chancellor Dr. Shyama Raju, Vice Chancellor Dr. S. Y. Kulkarni, Registrar Dr. M. Dhanamjaya for their continuous support and Our beloved dynamic Director School of ECE Dr. Rajashekhar C. Biradar for his encouragement and support.