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01 Feb 2016

One Day Workshop On Cybersecurity And Intellectual Property Rights Issues And Challenges

A one day faculty training programme on “Importance of Cybersecurity & Intellectual Property Rights: Issues and challenges was conducted on 1st February, 2016. The session effectively covered the following issues:

a.    CYBER SECURITY: Issues and Challenges
Speaker: Na. Vijayshankar, M.Sc., CAIIB, CIIF, AIMADM
Issues Discussed: Business houses and Individuals are facing sophisticated malware attacks around the world. This is true about not only big business companies but even small and medium business houses. Cyber criminals also targeting Individuals for sensitive and personal and financial information. Ransomware attacks and increasing and they are targeting stakeholders ranging from big hospitals, banks and individual computer users.

b.    Technology acceleration and Intellectual Property Rights(Improvement Patents Copyrights)
Speaker: Dr T. Ramakrishna, Professor of Law and chair Professor MHRD Chair ON IPR), NLSIU, Bangalore.

It wasn’t that long ago that protecting intellectual property or IP 9trademarks, trade secrets and other intangibles afforded  legal protection and, in particular, Patents) was primarily the preview of technology and pharmaceutical companies. But because of accelerating technological advancement patent activity and the patent wars and expanding their domain into previously untouched sectors industries in the path of these accelerating technologies now find themselves grappling with an urgent need for IP fluency.
From banking to health core to retail, technology is enabling a fundamental change of value propositions business models, supply chains, and business operations. It has recently became so pervasive across industries that it is barely noteworthy to suggest that almost  every company is, to some extent, a technology company.

The convergence of these two forces –technology acceleration and patent reform has created an urgent need for business leaders to reassess their IP strategies this urgency is magnified for sector that have not traditionally thought of themselves as technology companies and often do not possess the requisite IP knowledge or expertise required to effectively utilize IP in both offensive and defensive strategies.

c.  FILLING OF PATENTs and COPYRIGHT : Things you should know to protect your IP
Speaker: S K MURTHY, Patent Counsel, Intel India Bangalore 

A patent is a limited duration Property right relating to an invention granted by the United States patent and trade mark office in exchange for public disclosure of the invention patentable materials include machines, manufactured articles industrial processes and chemical compositions the duration of patent protection depends on the type of patent granted: 14 years of design patents and 20 years for utility and plant patents.

A copyright protect works of authorship that have been tangible expressed in a physical form. Think songs, movies work of arts. The duration of copyright protection depends on several factors. For work created by an individual protection lasts for the life of the author plus 70 years. For works created anonyms pseudonymously and for hire, protection lasts 95 years from the date of publication or 120 years from the date of creation whichever is shorter.


