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28 Oct 2018

Report of the Hands on programme on Origin data analysis and plotting software

Department of Chemistry in association with Department of Physics, School of Applied Sciences is frequently organizing Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam memorial Lecture Series by national and international speakers and scientists for the benefit of students and the faculty members of the University. In continuation this, Hands on training on “Dye-sensitized solar cells efficiency calculations research by using computational quantum chemistry methods and based on theoretical calculations to synthesize new organic solar cells” by Dr. N. Surendra Babu, working as an Associate professor in the chemistry department, at The University of Dodoma, Tanzania, along with “Origin  data analysis and plotting software” by Dr.Dwaraka Prasad, Assistant Professor, BMSIT, Bangalore have organised on 27th October, 2018 at 11.00 AM to 4.30 PM in REVA University, Bengaluru.
The session started with the brief introduction on Nano Materials and the characterization techniques used for analysis.
Then it was followed by introduction on “Origin” software is given, as it a proprietary computer programme for interactive scientific graphing and data analysis.
Students and research scholars are practiced hands on training on following topics.
•    Origin workspace where we learnt about the different kinds of Origin Windows that makes up a Project, and how to manipulate these windows with Project Explorer.
•    Import ASCII files, theuse Import Wizard and to Create and use a custom import filter.
•    Plotting of 2D/3D graph with XRD, UV and PL data of nanophosphor samples.
•    Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) statistical test, to learn how to use these two different modes of data to perform analysis and how to select data by using the column Browser dialog.
Then session concluded with encouraging thoughts and speaker shared his E-mail id to connect with him if we need any further assistance. Concluding the session and to show gratitude to speaker on behalf of our University and Applied science school we present a memento to speaker.
“Dye-sensitized solar cells efficiency calculations research by using computational quantum chemistry methods and based on theoretical calculations to synthesize new organic solar cells”
Speaker: Dr. N. Surendra Babu, Associate professor in the chemistry department, at The University of Dodoma, Tanzania
Date and Venue: 27-10-2018, 2.00-4.30PM, New Seminar Hall, First Floor, Science Block, REVA University, Bengaluru.
The programme started with brief introduction about the programme and short biography of the speaker by Dr. Madhusudana Reddy, Coordinator and Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, followed by the actual session started by the speaker. Finally, the programme was ended by vote of thanks and memento presentation to speaker by Programme organizers.   
Talk focused on the following key points:
1.    Introduction to Solar cell and their principle. 
2.    Types of Solar cells
3.    Characteristics of dye sensitized solar cells.
4.    Energy efficiency calculations.   
Expected outcomes: Students and Research Scholar shall able to analyze, 
1.    Knowledge on Solar cell and their principle. 
2.    Classification and characteristics of DSSC. 
3.    Energy efficiency calculations by using Gaussian Software. 
This hands-on training has given valuable information for students, research scholars and faculty members of the School of applied sciences who are involved in the Energy based research activities. 
Dr. Surendra babu also expressed interest to come once in a year to train our students and faculty members on Gaussian software which is essential for researchers of both Chemistry and Physics 
Organized by: Dr. Madhusudana Reddy & Dr. Madesh Kumar


