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28 Aug 2020

Report on Expert lecture on Theories in Architecture Renaissance Period

Report on Expert lecture on Theories in Architecture - Renaissance period

Expert lecture delivered by: Ar. Anupama Ajith
Organised by: School of Architecture, REVA University, Bangalore.
Faculty coordinators: Ar. Shubhi Sonal & Ar. Kiruthika selvi
Date: 28th Aug 2020
Course: Theory of Architecture 
Mode: Through online Lecture Delivery – MS Teams Platform
Attended by:
1. Students of School of Architecture,Vth  Sem (A&B)- 72
2. Faculty members of the School of Architecture:  02

The Objective of the expert lecture was to introduce the students to the architectural theories of master architects from the renaissances period. As a part of Theory of Architecture, Remarkable building examples of architects Leon Alberti and Andrea Palladio were elaborately described by Ar. Anupama Ajith .

Ar. Anupama Ajith is an Architect, planner and academician. She has personally experienced Renaissance architecture by visiting the iconic architecture in Italy and teaching theory of Architecture by describing the architectural style, decorative elements, planning aspects proportioning system/ratio and construction details of the Palladianism.

Outcomes of the Guest Lecture:
The Vth Sem B.Arch. students were able to understand the theories and trends practised during Renaissance period by the Architects. This lecture will help students comprehend and appreciate the theories behind the renaissance monuments in Italy. It also gave a glimpse into the creative process and critical thinking needed to understand theories in architecture. We would like to thank the management and team at REVA University for their support and constant encouragement towards our endeavours.


