09 Sep 0201
Report on Global warming awareness Programme (Jagruthi-2)
School: Applied Sciences, Department of Biotechnology
Venue: Kenny School , Bangalore -64
Date: 9/9/2019
Global warming awareness programme by the Department of Biotechnology, School of Applied Sciences in the guidance of Dr.Beena G was conducted for the students and faculties of Kenny high school, Jakkur , Bangalore-64, as part of Jagruthi-2 of REVA University. 1st year students of B.Sc. Genetics students along with Dr. Manjula.KR and Dr.Prabhakar Mishra visited the School on 9th September 2019.
Programme started with a global warming awareness talk by Dr.Manjula. Awareness was spread through a song on global warming by REVA students. Children got enlightened about the theme through the skit performed by students. Waste segregation was taught to the gathering by encouraging students to participate in the same. Detailed explanation was given with demonstration to segregate waste into wet, dry, biodegradable and non degradable waste. The sessions were beneficial for the students and faculties of the Kenny school. We thank REVA family for the entire support extended.