29 Oct 2018
The School of EEE had organized a seminar by alumni on " Air Insulated Substation " on 29th October, 2018 between 10.30 AM to 12.30 AM at Kalpana Chawla SEMINAR Hall for B.Tech. 5th and 7th Semester students.
Mr. Ganesh, Senior Electrical Engineer, Arcadis Consulating India (P) Ltd, Bangalore was the resource person. Mr. Ganesh studied his M.Tech(Part time) from REVA university during 2014-2017.
Seminar focused on the following key points:
1. Introduction to substation
2. Brief Introduction of Gas Insulated Substation
3. Functions of substation equipments
4. Various Bus bar schemes
Following are the outcomes achieved with this seminar:
1. Students gained knowledge about substation and various substation equipments like, bus bars, various circuit breakers, Isolators , Earth Switch, CT, PT, Lightening Arrestors , Capacitor voltage transformers, Autotransformers, Reactors , Layout and general arrangements of Substation Equipments.
2. 5th semester students are studying Transmission & Distribution subject in the present semester and they were able to analyze the concepts practically.
3. The session provided a great exposure to 7th semester students for their Projects, placements as well as higher studies.