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08 Feb 2017

Seminar on Innovation in context Opportunities and Challenges

Report on seminar on "Innovation in context: Opportunities and Challenges" by Dr. Anshuman Das, MIT, Boston

The School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering had organized invited seminar on “Innovation in context: Opportunities and Challenges" by Dr. Anshuman Das, MIT, Boston on 8th February 2017 at Sir C V Raman Seminar Hall, Main Block, REVA University. All the faculties, staff and students from the school of EEE attended the seminar. Dr. Anshuman is a Research Scientist at MIT, Boston, who is creating rapid diagnostics that are smart, predictive, and accessible and will improve the way diagnostics are carried out.

The seminar basically focused on developing low cost devices to address some of the common problems being faced specially in health care sector. Dr. Anshuman Das demonstrated some of the interesting gadgets based around latest technological advances. Some of the gadgets that he demonstrated were a smartphone based ECG which is capable of capturing data and performing an automated screening, a gesture sensing IR device, a smartphone thermal camera and a low-cost vein imager that can be used for vein finding. The concept behind these devices are that they are built at very low cost with the available and familiar technology. 

The seminar provided a good platform for hobbyists and researchers to come up with simple design techniques by making use of available technology to develop simple and easy to build devices to address common problems. His take-home message was that the students should be bold in adopting and learning new technological skills and applying them in solving challenges.

To conclude the event, Dr. Rajashekar P Mandi, Director School of EEE, thanked Dr.Anshuman Das, for accepting the invitation and delivering the invited seminar. Dr.Rajashekar P Mandi then felicitated Dr. Anshuman Das with a memento as a token of appreciation on behalf of school of EEE and also on behalf of the REVA family. 


