13 Nov 2018
The School of EEE had organized seminar on “Operation and Control of Microgrid” on 13th November, 2018 between 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM in KALPANA CHAWLA SEMINAR Hall for B.Tech. 7th Semester students.
The Seminar was delivered by Dr. Dattatraya N Gaonkar, Associate Professor, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, NITK - Surathkal
The seminar was focused on the following key points:
1. Introduction to Microgrid
2. Operation and Control
3. Issues and Challenges
Following are the outcomes achieved:
1. Students will be able to understand the concept and Importance of Microgrid.
2. Explain the operation and control of Microgrid.
3. Understand the issues and challenges in Microgrid operation.