17 Jan 2018
The School of Architecture at REVA University organized a three-day workshop and exhibition on Conservation from January 17th to 19th at the REVA University campus. The Workshop "LIVING PAST- a Case of Urban Inheritance" was inaugurated by our Honourable Chancellor in presence of Dr. S.Y. Kulkarni, Dr. Halakatti, guest of Honour of the programme, Key note speaker Satyr Parkas Varanasi, Conservation Architect from Sashay Consultants. Honourable Chancellor Dr. P. Shyama Raju spoke about the wisdom of our forefathers who built stupendous architectural marvels without the aid of modern day technology, but it is those structures that are still awe inspiring. Vice Chancellor Dr.S.Y.Kulkarni stressed on the word Inheritance how it is inculcated in day to day life too.
Architect Satya Prakash Varanasi was the Keynote speaker and gave a talk on Urban Heritage and the importance of holding on to what we have before it gets eroded further in urban areas. “It is easy to put up an extraordinary building without any roots in any location, but a challenge to create an urban in-fill that relates to Context and Culture” he expressed in his talk.
Dr. Halakatti, former Director Archaeological Survey of India was the Chief Guest of the programme. He spoke about extensive work done in Heritage sites across India and Karnataka. The students who had earlier visited Aihole, Pattadakal, Badami, Bijapur and Hampi on their documentation trips could relate to his talk and understood the difficulties involved in Conservation work. He congratulated the School of Architecture on the tremendous work undertaken in documenting Heritage sites and vernacular architecture of settlements. For a young School established less than 3 years ago, this is indeed creditable” He said.
Conservation Architect Vikas Dilawari from Mumbai was the main speaker in the second session. He spoke at length on the numerous projects executed by him in Mumbai. The ANZ Grindlays Bank (now Standard Chartered) head quarters in South Mumbai, the 400-year-old Church in Thane which had to be reconstructed extensively in order to be conserved to its original built form, JN Tata’s Esplanade house,The CST, Rajabai Clock Tower and many others. He also stressed upon the importance of preserving traditions that are fast disappearing, like Gilding work, Lime Plaster work and pointing work, expressing his good fortune in finding skilled labour to do such work. Architect Vikas Dilawari was intrigued with the novel approach at REVA University in teaching History of Architecture. He expressed that the ability of the students in absorbing the content and interpreting through Portfolio sheets and documentation for an end semester Viva is an effective approach as it brings more engagement and passion towards the subject. He expressed his happiness over the students work and expressed for a 3 year old school its really great to see the quantum of so much of documentation work He also expressed none of the architecture schools in India has followed this teaching methodology so far. He hoped that more Schools would adopt such measures. All the guests were very happy towards the release of "Incipere-2015-17" A first step to begin towards the success, a collection of students’ academic and co curricular. Artistic works from 2015-2017.
The workshop continues with an on-site experience at a heritage site named Maestrigudi, at Sultanpet near Nandi hills on 18th January 2018. To give an on-site experience of Architectural Conservation, the participants of workshop were taken to a heritage site. This session was handled by the renowned conservation Architect, Pankaj Modi. As a first step, he explained the importance of the site. Followed by this, the participants were divided into teams to do the site survey which included documentation, understanding of construction techniques, condition assessment and community interviews. This was followed by value assessment of the site and finally the visit ended up with the discussion of the adaptive re-use proposals for the site proposed by the participants, which helps in conserving the value and significance of the site, forever.
After the documentation, Ar.Pankaj Modi discussed about the possible design interventions for the adaptive re-use of the same. The workshop concluded with a session on Urban Conservation- ‘A case of Historic Settlement of Chanderi’ by conservation architect and Faculty member of School of Architecture, Neeraja Jayan, followed by a design competition.
“Such workshops undertaken at Schools of Architecture on Conservation and efforts taken towards documenting our rich Heritage will be a step in the right direction to ensure that future architects will identify with their roots and develop an attachment to their inheritance” said Architect Satya Prakash Varanasi.
Participants, students, faculty, researchers from different colleges of Architecture in and around Karnataka, Kolkata participated in this three-day interactive workshop.