12 Jul 2022
On 12th July 2022 students of the School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences, REVA University had an industrial visit to the Neurobiology Research Centre, NIMHANS, Bangalore. The purpose of the visit was to get practical exposure on research conducted on the brain and visit the brain museum. Students got to attend an interactive theoretical session on the brain that helped the students to understand the intricate details of the brain and its parts. Along with discussing the very basics of the brain such as the four hemispheres, students also got much more details on the structure of a neuron and its function along with details on every other part of the neuron. Students actively participated along with the presenter in brainstorming about neurons using live examples. Further other unique features of neurons and their relation to everyday life and their connection to the brain and neurotransmitters were discussed.
School of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences of REVA University conducted an industrial visit to Reserve Bank of India on 2nd of June 2022 for the students of BA PEJ.
Along with learning about the human brain, the students also learned about the differences in the human brain of different mammals such as elephants, dogs, and cats to name a few. Students reviewed that it was a very informative and interesting session, with a very different and practical approach to the teaching method.
After the theoretical session in the brain museum, students were allowed to look at all the brain samples kept across the museum on the stands. The samples varied from having a spinal cord, and an immature brain to a deceased brain from Schizophrenia and other mental disorders and brain injuries. Samples of some animal brains were also kept such as those of a dog, birds, and elephants, and the different stages of the human brain from its development to degradation were preserved. The brain museum intrigued the student’s curiosity which was answered by the graphical representation on a computer accessible by students. The computer graphics better helped the students to choose any body part and know about it in detail.
There was also an anatomical session that was conducted for students where the instructor explained every part of the brain, spinal cord, heart, kidney, and lungs to name some, using the real organs that were preserved for the session. The students learned in detail about all the intricate details of the organs with live demonstration by the instructor. Later, the students were also allowed to hold the organs for examination and better understanding.
NIMHANS, Neurobiology Research Centre provided a very wholesome experience to the Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, Department of Psychology of School of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences, REVA University, and intrigued the curiosity voyage of many students in the field of Neuropsychology.