School of Allied Health Sciences organized a workshop on Human Ethics and Application Procedures on 12.03.2024 between 10.00 am -12.00pm at Library seminar Hall, REVA University. The work shop started with the introduction by Dr V. Veeraraghavan, Prof – Biochemistry and Member Secretary of IEC. Later Dr Rameshkumar Kushwaha, Associate prof & Head & Basic Medical Scientist of IEC welcomed the Resource person Mr. Sudirpatil, Director, Quinary Lab Research private limited, Bangalore, along with Associate Dean Dr P. Visweswara Rao, Scientific member IEC. Then Mr. Sudirpatil delivered the complete information about the Principles of GCP, Rules and regulation of IEC and protocols of project submissions elaborately. The workshop attracted about 100 participants, including research scholars from various domains, faculty members from the School of Allied Health Sciences, as well as those from various other departments, and final-year project students. Overall, the session was deemed highly interesting and beneficial for both students and faculty members alike, fostering a deeper understanding of human ethics and application procedures in research.