29 Sep 2018
It is pleasure to inform all that School of EEE had organized workshop training on “Embedded Systems and IoT” on 29th September 2018 from 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM for 7th Semester Students
The Resource person of the work shop training was Mr. Nagaraj Hediyal, CEO, eNLiven Technologies. Around 58 Students in 2 Batches attended the training.
The workshop training focused on
• Design and Development of LED Driver using Aurdino
• Design of circuit to control buzzer / relay from Aurdino.
• Design of circuit to interface LCD using Aurdino.
• Design of circuit to interface water level sensor to Aurdino.
• Design of circuit to interface PIR Sensor with Aurdino.
• Design of circuit to interface LM35 and LCD with Aurdino.
 Temperature data logger using LM35 and ESP8266-01 and Internet of things Project.
 Burglar alarm system using PIR Sensors an Aurdino Uno R3 project.
 Water level controller for overhead tank of residence / office an Aurdino Uno R3 project.
Following are the outcomes achieved:
1. Circuit design and requirement analysis
2. Components Identification
3. Student will be able to design and build own projects.
We would like to thank our Director, School of EEE Dr. Rajashekar P Mandi Sir for his constant support and guidance. We also thank all the faculties, technical staffs of School of EEE and Students Volunteers for their support.
We also thank our beloved Chancellor Dr. P. Shyama Raju Sir for providing all facility and support to conduct such programmes. We also thank Vice Chancellor Dr. S. Y. Kulkarni Sir, Registrar Dr. M. Dhanamjaya Sir, Dean, Placement, Training, and Planning Dr. N. Ramesh Sir.