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01 Oct 2018


School of Architecture, REVA University, celebrated “WORLD ARCHITECTURE DAY” on 1st of October 2018.

History behind this day long time ago in the year 1986, when the International Union of Architects (UIA) established the World Architecture Day. It is traditionally celebrated every year on the first Monday in October to coincide with the United Nations World Habitat Day, under the theme "Architecture... for a Better World".

By choosing a different theme for reflection each year, World Architecture Day aims to draw the attention of professionals and the public to, issues concerning cities and housing.

World Architecture Day is a day to show appreciation for the work of architects and to celebrate some of the great global architectural works.

Architecture is incredibly important and architects have the potential to shape all of our lives through their hard work. In addition, architecture plays an essential role in planning for the future, sustaining population growth and tackling a number of social problems.

On This World Architecture day began with welcoming of our chief guest Ar. Chitra Vishwanath and Dr. Ramesh, Dean, Training planning and placements, REVA University.

Ar. Chitra Vishwanath is the Principal architect & managing director of Biome Environmental Solutions, a Bangalore-based design firm focused on ecology, architecture and water. She is also the Founder of Chitra Vishwanath architects who has designed and implemented hundreds of projects – residences, institutions and resorts, guided by ecological principles, integrating sound water, energy and land-use thinking into design. The practice started in 1991 and along the way, various architects have joined and contributed in projects throughout India and Africa. The philosophy followed is to employ local resources in an optimized way, planning in better way by incorporating the solar/passive measures.  As part of the range of resources used, "mud" is a major component since it is well suited for local conditions, is relatively labour intensive and locally available.

The students and faculty at REVA enlightened by her speech on “Ecology, optimal use of resources and Eco-friendly construction”.

On this occasion winning students were honoured with Certificates for their excellence in Academics and Extracurricular activities by our Chief Guests Ar. Chitra Vishwanath & Dr. Ramesh, REVA University.


