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“Assessment is the engine which drives student learning” – John Cowan.

Teaching and Learning is the core activity at REVA University. Continuous assessments measures the extent of student learning and the outcomes. A wholesome model inclusive of formative and summative assessments is adopted wherein students are assessed through-tests, assignments, presentations, quizzes, project based learning, laboratory work, fieldwork and other such rubric-based alternative assessments. The weightage for internal and semester end examination is 50:50.

At REVA University, office of the Registrar (Evaluation) is responsible for all examination process and practices as per the regulations of the University and the academic calendar in line with the statutory and regulatory bodies. Additionally, the office conducts orientation on assessment process and practices for staff and students, coordinates with the Schools to implement school-specific assessments adhering to parameters of security and confidentiality as per the university guidelines. The office ensures the process of awarding Degrees for various programmes adhering to the regulations of the University.


Have a highly reliable Examination Management System for automated testing and evaluation process through innovative, quality initiatives and assessment practices.


To assess the learning levels of all the students as per the Programme Learning Outcomes and to recommend good assessment practices that ensure the graduate attributes specified by the University are ingrained in the students of REVA University.
Salient features of our examination system
  • Continuous Internal Assessment System
  • Paperless examination and Evaluation system
  • Conducting examinations in a secure and efficient manner is the core aspect of tab examination
  • Automated process of examination, evaluation and declaration of results.
  • Biometrics and Iris restricted access to prevent impersonation.
  • Digital display of Answer scripts (Script view) for students to address grievances.
  • Academic awards available in NAD
Assessments Components
  • Internal Assessment (IA)
  • Semester End Examination (SEE)
  • Practical examination (For practical courses)

Weightage for IA and SEE is 50:50

System of Evaluation followed
  • Coding of answer scripts to conceal identity
  • Digital evaluation system with auto-totaling and double evaluation
  • Central digital- evaluation for Semester End Examination
  • Moderation process for Undergraduate programs and Double evaluation for PG programs followed
  • Seamless integration of IA and Semester End Examination marks for computation of results.
  • Automated system lends speed and accuracy
Prevention of unfair means
  • Biometric and iris scan of students to ensure authenticity of students
  • The Squad appointed by the Registrar (Evaluation) with the approval of the Vice-Chancellor.
  • Squad members work as vigilance officers and inspect all rooms.
  • Frisking to ensure strict adherence to required decorum and sanctity of examination process
  • The squad members have the powers to get the malpractice reports from the Chief Superintendents, Deputy Chief Superintendents, invigilators and they shall take on-the-spot decision regarding any malpractice committed by any student.
  • ‘Malpractices and Lapses Enquiry Committee (MPLEC)’ to look into the cases of malpractices
  • The committee enquires into cases of alleged malpractices in University examinations based on the details produced by Squad/ Chief Superintendents/ Deputy Chief Superintendents/ invigilators, in accordance with procedures outlined in these regulations, and based on its findings, recommends the imposition of appropriate punishment / penalties for offenders
Outcome Based Examination

At REVA University, each programme has OBE (Outcome Based Education) as the basic premise.

Program Outcomes (POs) for each programme designed, after the finalization of the nomenclature and decision taken to offer a programme, the objective of the programme is first defined. The POs are then formulated based on the objectives. The PSOs are defined outlining competencies and shared with students. The complete course handout is then compiled and handed over to the students.

Outcomes of every course are discussed with students by the end of the course session.

The main objectives of the Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) and Course Outcomes (COs) for all programs offered by the University have been specified and these are included in the course handbooks of respective programs which are distributed among all concerned students and faculty members. These are also uploaded in the University website under the specific program offered by respective Schools.


