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About RBS

About RBS

REVA Business School of REVA University, one of the premier Business Schools located in Bengaluru, was started in the year 2021, with an objective of offering an excellent management education and research.

REVA university is promoted by the Rukmini Educational Charitable Trust (RECT) with a purpose of helping students who are in pursuit of quality education for life. The university offers 84 programs across 16 schools.

REVA Business School is established with a long-term vision to educate and empower the next generation managers and leaders to build sustainable businesses which will not only enable them in achieving operational excellence but also explore new business models. The B-School aims at consciously putting an effort in re-structuring and re-designing the curriculum that would emphasize more on new teaching – learning pedagogies which will provide a holistic education by integrating the knowledge received from various courses and specializations.


The B-school focuses on providing Global exposure to students by preparing them for Global leadership roles. Management Education provided by REVA Business School will aim at creating sense of responsibility and accountability amongst students and also imbibing in them social, moral and ethical values which is crucial for any learner.

REVA Business School would try to meet the expectations of all stakeholders by customizing courses and involving industry experts in the process of teaching and learning. The focus of REVA Business School would be identifying new ways of mobilizing talent that would educate and prepare diverse group of individuals with strong knowledge of new emerging management domains, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and strong management skills needed to provide leadership to organizations.

Management Education in the recent past has gone through an unprecedented transformation, with new emerging trends in education REVA Business School aims to remove the gap that exists between industry and academia and creating flexible, talented, practically trained and skilled managers, leaders and entrepreneurs who are needed to manage complexities of corporate world.


Creating and nurturing transformational leaders and builders of enterprises who create value for their stakeholders and society at large


  • To carry out the academic processes in accordance with global standards through innovative practices and Industry participation.
  • To promote research, innovation and Entrepreneurship in collaboration with industry, research institutes and academic institutions of global repute.
  • To inculcate high moral, ethical and professional values amongst our students and staff.
  • To contribute in building skilful and passion driven strong Society.