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Rtu Vidya: Ancient Science behind Menstrual Practices

Rtu Vidya: Ancient Science behind Menstrual Practices

On 19th January, 2023 the REVA Business School conducted its Tenth Distinguished Lecture Series on “Rtu Vidya: Ancient Science behind Menstrual Practices”. Ms. Sinu Joseph is a menstrual educator was invited for the lecture The resource person spoke about the topic by explaining the logic behind the menstrual practices followed across India in parlance with Indian tradition/Philosophy/yogic language and modern science. The resource person has travelled across both South India and North India and interacted with young girls on menstruation. It was observed that similar menstrual practices were taught by grandmothers of all generations for several hundred years. Then it was realized by her that these practices are not superstitious but a whole system of knowledge. In terms of yogic writing/languages, Naadi’s carry Prana and all Naadi meet at specific places called Chakra in our human body. Prana helps to perceive people when we talk/interact with each other/group. Though Prana cannot be seen, it can be experienced when we speak, when we hear from others. This is important in explaining the reasons for restrictions during menstrual period. Many question such as Why Menarche ceremony is to be done? Why women should not touch spicy items/people/tulsi/anything else during menstruation? Why women are not allowed to visit pooja rooms/ temple or secluded away from house during menstruation? Were discussed during the session.
