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School Of Applied Science Consultancy

School of Applied Sciences

"School of Applied Sciences provides consultancy services for community interaction and research."

We support universities and businesses across the globe to enhance their organization in relation to university industry engagement, collaborative innovation, and the development of more entrepreneurial entities. We assist regional and national governments in driving innovation ecosystems and provide concrete solutions and support for the implementation of our findings. Faculty members and departments also offer consultancy on an individual basis. Besides taking the fruits of research to the community, consultancy enables the University to interact with industry, and non-government organizations as well as the community on a regular basis.

The Institute also undertakes manpower training Programmes for specific groups and purposes. These training Programmes are often as a part of transfer of technology and product/ process/system design exercises in order to ensure that the assimilation of the outcome of the consultancy work is smoother.

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Complete the Consultancy Contract Enquiry Form if you want to undertake a consultancy project.

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