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School Of Applied Science FACULTY RECOGNITION

School of Applied Sciences

Details of Faculty Recognition

Department of Biotechnology

Sl.No Name of the Faculty Name of the Event Name of the Award / Achievement State/National/International /University Year of Award / Achievement
1 Dr. Senthilkumar. R University Research Fellow University Research Fellow INTI- International University Malaysia 2023-2026
2 Dr. R.Senthil Kumar Fellowship Ramalinga Swami Re-entry Fellow [DBT] National 2015-2021
3 Dr. V Damodara Reddy Institute for Integrative Physiology, University of Chicago Member International 2011-2014
4 Dr. V Damodara Reddy DST-SERB Young Scientist National 2014
5 Dr. V Damodara Reddy Young Investigator Meeting held at Hyderabad Travel award National 2014
6 Dr. V Damodara Reddy Fellowship Ramanujan Fellowship National 2015
7 Prof. Renuka Madhu ICAR JRF scholarship Qualified ASRB NET National 2004
8 Dr. Santosh Anand Nature India Proteomics work recognition National 2015
9 Dr. Yuvashree M Fellowship CSIR-SRF,Research AssociateshipSenior research fellowship National 2016-2019
10 Dr. Prabhakar Mishra Fellowship Senior Research Fellowship (ICMR-SRF), National 2015-2018
11 Dr. K.R Manjula Life Member Ethological society of India Life member National 2009
12 Dr. K.R Manjula Committee member ICMR- Human ethical committee member National 2022
13 Dr. R.Ramachandra  National Environmental Science Academy, New Delhi Junior Scientist Award National 2013
14 Dr. N.M. Guruprasad National Science Foundation, USA National Science FoundationTravel Grant National 2008
15 Dr. N.M. Guruprasad Fellowship Kirk House Trust Research Fellowship,Kirk House Trust National 2008
16 Dr. N.M. Guruprasad International Travel Grant International Travel GrantDepartment of Biotechnology, New Delhi National 2013

Department of Chemistry

Sl.No. Name of the Faculty Name of the Event Name of the Award/ Achievement State/ National/ International Year of Award
1 Dr. Madhusudana Reddy Teachers day Awards Best Teacher &  Best Performer University 2019
2 Dr. Nagaraju D H Karnataka Science and Technology Academy (KSTA) Award Innovative Project State 2021
3 Dr. Nagendra G National Science Day Celebration – 2O21 Award of Appreciation National 2021
4 Dr. H Nagarajaiah DST-SERB Young Scientist Scheme  Young Scientist Project National 2015
5 Dr. Gitanjali Pradhan International Conference CONIPAS XXVI Best paper  International  2020
6 Mrs. Shwetha K R  International virtual conference on Emerging trends in nanoscience and nanotechnology (ICETNN-2021 ) Best paper International  2021
7 Dr. Vinayaka A C ARO post Doc , Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Development, State of Israel ARO post-doc fellowship International  2017
8 Dr. Sangita Das Young Scientist Awards Indian Chemical Society  Young Scientist Project National 2017

Department of Mathematics

Sl.No. Name of the Faculty Name of the Event Name of the Award/ Achievement State/ National/ International Year of Award
1 Dr. Vishu Kumar Teachers day Awards Best Researcher  University 2019
2 Dr. Vishu Kumar Teachers day Awards Best Teacher University 2020
3 Dr. Manjunatha N Teachers day Awards Best Teacher University 2019
4 Dr. Vishu Kumar Teachers day Awards Best Researcher  University 2020
5 Dr. Manjunatha N Young Researcher and Research Excellence 
Institute of Scholars (InSc) 
Young Researcher  & Research Excellence   National 2020
6 Dr. U. Vijaya Chandra Kumar Teachers day Awards Best Teacher University 2018
7 Dr. Praveena Kumara KM Teachers day Awards Best Teacher University 2021
8 Dr. Praveena Kumara KM ICAESM-2021 BEST PAPER  International 2021
9 Dr. Salma A Teachers day Awards Best Researcher  University 2021
10 Narayana Gowda N NPTEL , IIT Kanpur Elite Gold National 2021
11 Dr. Gayathri. K Advanced Research and Design,  Venus International Foundation, Chennai Young Faculty in Science National 2017
12 Dr. Ranjitha Kumar NPTEL , IIT Madras.  Elite Gold National 2018&2021

Department of Physics

Sl.No. Name of the Faculty Name of the Event Name of the Award/ Achievement State/ National/ International Year of Award
1 Dr. Pramodini S. Visiting Scientist / Professorship International research grant, Visiting Scientist/ Professorship, Russia International 2020 & 2021

