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School Of Applied Sciences Research Grants

School of Applied Sciences

Research Grants from inception of school (year wise)

Department of Chemistry

Sl.No. Name of PI/Co-PI Title of the project Funding Agency Amount granted
(in lakhs)
Year of Sanction
Duration of Project Status
1 Dr. Sakthivel Kandaiah Electrochemical preparation of nanostructured narrow bandgap inorganic-organic heterojunctions for photoelectrochemical hydrogen evolution SER-DST 21  2014 Three years Completed
2 Dr. V. Damodara Reddy Alcohol-induced oxidative/nitrosative   stress   and   epigenetic   changes   in   the pathogenesis of ALD: Role of HIF-1 and 2α SERB 100 2015 Five years Ongoing
3 Dr Lakshmi Reactivity Studies of Maleimide Epoxy Resins with Different Amines. VGST 5 2016 Two Completed
4 Dr. Vipin A. Nair Investigations on Synergistic Effects of Novel Carbapenems as Antibacterial Agents and beta-Lactamase Inhibitors CSIR-HRDG 22 2021 Three years  
5. Dr Nagaraju D H Sustainable Selective Electrocatalytic CO2 Reduction into Alcohols Using Tailored Metal Complexes as Electrode Material in Engineered Novel Ionic Liquids SER-CRG 46 2021 Three years Ongoing

Department of Physics

S.No. Name of the Project Funding Agency (Govt) Name of Principal Investigator Year of Award Sanctioned amount
(in Rs.)
Duration of the project Status
1 Development of carbon quantum dots based hydrogen production catalysts SERB-ECR Dr. Hareesh K 2018 19,98,480 3 years Completed
2 Work function tuning of carbon quantum dots scaffolded two dimensional
materials towards field emission applications
UGC-DAE-CSR Dr. Hareesh K 2021 15,78,000/- 3 years Ongoing
3 Lanthanides-doped perovskites hybrid device for the up-conversion of photons: optoelectronic applications VGST Dr. K. Munirathnam 2020 15, 00,000 2 Years Ongoing
4 Metal -oxide nanomaterial based hybrid devices for memory applications DST Dr.P.Anjane yulu 2017 25,00,000 3 Years Ongoing
5 Enhancement of photoluminescent properties of rare earth doped SrTiO3 nanophosphors by introducing activators for LED applications VGST Dr.Sunitha. D.V 2017 5,00,000 1 Year Completed
6 Spectroscopic properties of rare earth ion doped phosphors for W-LED applications VGST Dr. K. Munirathnam 2015 4,00,000 1 year Completed

