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About School of Architecture

School of Architecture

The School of Architecture supported by DivyaSree Developers who have nearly four decades of rich experience in Architecture, Construction and Infrastructure development, presently offers B.Arch... programme of five years, recognized by Council of Architecture a statutory body of Government of India, under the Architects Act 1972 and is aimed to establish a center of excellence for architecture education.

Ideate. Innovate.

It facilitates multidisciplinary research to deal with the complexities of human settlements as a whole. The School has developed a network of top architects and designers and have involved them in teaching and guiding, It has a vision to train learners who should be sensitive towards pain, plight, pleasure, happiness, comfort, leisure, aspirations, expectations of people and responsive towards nature, environment, society and nation, coupled with ethics and human values.

The School of Architecture, REVA University has been listed amongst "Karnataka’s Top 20 Institutions" by Academic Insight Magazines.


“To make the School known for highest level academic standards in inculcating necessary skills and national pride in students to address societal issues through technology”.

Our Mission

“To create a team of competent young Architects of high caliber committed to their profession with ethics who can contribute to Architecture and allied fields in optimizing the usage of resources globally making the world more eco-friendly to live in”.

Panel of Experts
S. No. Name Designation
1 Ar. Dinesh Verma Managing Director, Ace Group Architects Pvt. Limited, Bangalore
2 Ar. I. Zachariah Eminent Architect, Bangalore
3 Ar. JaisimKrishnarao Fountainhead and Senior Architect , Former Chairman, IAA
4 Ar. H. C. Thimmaiah Ex-President Indian Institute of Architects, Bangalore
5 Ar. H. S. Anantharaman Visiting Faculty, MSRIT, Bangalore
6 Ar. Bindumadhav Former Dean, School of Architecture, Mysore University, Mysore
7 Ar. VidyadharWodeyar Chairman, Indian Institute of Architects, Bangalore
Advisory Board
S. No. Name Address Contact No. Email
1 Ar. Dinesh Verma Ace Group Architects +91-80-22224000
2 Ar. Leena Kumar Kumar Consultants, Bangalore 9845030635
3 Ar. K. Jaisim Fountainhead architects
+91-80-26630234, +91-80-26657915
4 Dr. H. N. Nagendra Director, SPA Mysore 9448957979
5 Dr. B.S. Bhooshan Academician and advisor Mysore school of architecture 0821 -2510148
6 Mr. Kiriti Sahoo Area Convener, TERI, Bangalore 9916459169
S. No. Name Address Contact No. Email  
1 Dr. Rama Subramanian Principal, Dayananda Sagar College Of Architecture, Bangalore 9845139810 Academia
2 Dr. Abhijit Natu Professor, BKPS College of Architecture,Pune 9035015861 Academia
3 Ar. Neeta Kembhavi Kembhavi associates, Bangalore 9449870914 Industry expert
4 Ar. Sharukh Mistry Mistry Architects, Bengaluru 080 2525 6266 Industry expert
5 Ar. Meghana Dutta Studio Decode, Bangalore 9880662214 Industry expert
6 Ar. Pooja Ugrani Associate Professor, School of Architecture, REVA University. 9986568895 Academia
7 Dr. Shubhi Sonal Associate Professor, School of Architecture, REVA University. 9901777455 Program Head
8 Roshan Rajan Fontech architecture Studio 8197041699 Student representative
9 Ginelle Lopes Earthitects architects 8971990530 Student Representative
MEMBERS OF BOARD OF STUDIES – SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE M.Arch-(Environmental Architecture) Programme 2022-24
S. No. Name Address Contact No. Email  
1 Mr. M. Selvarasu Managing Director, LEAD Consultancy Industry expert
2 Ar. Kumaresh S. Professor, School of Architecture, REVA University 9880783311 Industry & academia
3 Ar. Guruprasad Pandit Sustainability Consultant, Edge Environment, Sydney +61421971263   Industry & academia
4 Ar. Kiruthika S. Associate Professor, School of Architecture, REVA University. 9710766209 Industry & academia
5 Dr. G. Saisanath Assistant Professor, School of Architecture, REVA University, Bangalore 9490272640 Programme coordinator

Director's Message

Vidya Srikanth

Director I/C,

School of Architecture

School of Architecture Director's Message

A student doesn’t choose architecture…. rather architecture chooses you. Every student who walks into the portals of the school is here because he or she is special. They inherently have a streak of creativity, a sense of style, or the ability to imagine and visualise that which hasn’t still been built. This is the quality that gives them a cut above the rest to make a difference to the world outside.

We at the school are committed to nurture this in every student through creative studio exercises, community engagement, hands-on workshops, site visits for technical courses, and study tours that connect one to the rich architectural heritage of India or the World. We also encourage exposure to software tools that aid drafting, rendering and simulations to ensure that the overall programme outcomes are met and every student gains a 360-degree learning.

Having a role model or mentor is very crucial to a young mind and our dedicated team of faculty members ensure this by guiding them towards research, project-based learning, collaborative studios, internships, options for professional electives and specializations that give our graduates the extra advantage. Our institutional collaboration with the Indian Institute of Architects (I IA) and Indian National Trust for Art and Cultural Heritage (INTACH) provide a platform for students to engage with the profession, participate in competitions and win awards.

Our International collaborations for student exchanges, workshops, immersive study tours and faculty presentations for conferences ensure that students never fall short of opportunities. We have collaborations across Europe, UK and USA with Universities that offer Summer and Winter schools that give a flavour of International education to the undergraduate students, preparing them for higher studies in different cultures should they choose to.

We do offer a Doctoral research programme with scholars researching on diverse topics of interest in architecture and planning. We are now looking to broaden our horizon by adding programme offerings in the post graduate level, with an M.Arch. in Environmental Architecture and M.Plan. with a specialization in Smart City Planning. Both courses are contemporary, much sought after and are the need of the hour. The programmes are aimed at working professionals who are passionate about sustainable design solutions both at city and building level that offer energy saving and smart solutions. Surely, these new programmes will carve out a unique niche for REVA University School of Architecture to pave the way to be leaders in architecture education in India

I believe that our students will undoubtedly choose their future career path with confidence; be it academics, entrepreneurship, self-employment or working for a large consortium. A REVA alumnus will be a lifelong learner, a leader and an asset to any organization. Come, discover our world and prepare yourself to be transformed.


