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School of Civil Engineering Patents

School of Civil Engineering

Patents from inception of school (year wise)


Sl.No. Name of Inventor(s) Title of the patent Patent Number Filed Date & Number Published Date & Number
1 Dr Bomidi Varaprasad Rao  Equations for the relation between Differential Free Sweel Index [DFSI] and optimum moisture Content [OMC] as well as Maximum dry Unit Weight [MDUW] of Lime treated Expansive Soils 202241003704 22.01.2022 04.02.2022


Sl.No. Name of Inventor(s) Title of the patent Patent Number Filed Date & Number Published Date & Number
1 Dr. Chunchu Balaram Krishna, Dr. Seelam Srikanth Reddy Effect of Plastic on microstructure of binary blended self consolidated concrete 202041041214 23/09/2020 2.4.2021
2 Jayachandra, Dr. Y. Ramalinga Reddy Intensification of mechanical properties of cement composites using carbon materials 202141006514 16-02-2021 16.07.2021
3 Dr. Seelam Srikant Reddy Development of lane change models of mixed traffic through microscopic simulation model 202141008838 03-03-21 26.3.2021
4 Dr. Seelam Srikant Reddy Effect of High Volumes of Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slagon Strength of the Concrete 202141013945 30/3/2021 9.04.2021
5 Dr. Seelam Srikant Reddy Operating Speed prediction models for multilane interurban highways 202141015498 04-01-21 16.04.2021
6 Dr. Y. Ramalinga Reddy, Dr. Seelam Srikanth Reddy Optimal water management practice for cropping patternunder Hemavathy reservoir 202141017869 17-04-2021 23.04.2021
7 Dr. Y. Ramalinga Reddy, Dr. Seelam Srikanth Reddy Development of non-dimensional equations for design ofcomposite plate girder 202141018770 23-04-2021 30.04.2021
8 Dr. Y. Ramalinga Reddy, Dr. Seelam Srikant Reddy Optimization of cropping pattern underPennaki tank 202141019241 27-04-2021 07.05.2021
9 Dr. P. shivananda "Development of End to End supported Reinforced Earth Embankment" 202141026714 06-02-21 25.06.2021
10 Sindhoora C Development Of Artificial Angular Aggregate Using Industrial Waste 202141029709 A 06-02-21 16.07.2021
11 Sindhoora C Experimental Study On Geotechnical Properties Of Soil With Incorporation Of Biopolymers 202141029710 A 06-02-21 16.07.2021
12 Pavitra M P Low cost automatic irrigation system using soil moisture sensors 202141030007 A 06-02-21 16.07.2021
13 Dr. M. A. Nagesh Use of Waste Plastic in Paver Blocks 202141026517 A 06-02-21 25.06.2021
14 Pushpa Lumina IOT based water Quality management using Arduino 202141030008 A 06-03-21 16.07.2021
15 Dr. Praveen Kannam, Dr. Seelam Srikanth Reddy Hybrid effect of Steel and Glass Fibers on Nano Silica based High Strength Self Compacting Concrete 202141030609 A 06-03-21 16.07.2021
16 Prashanth N, Dr. Y. Ramalinga Reddy Removal of heavy metals lead and arsenic from water using groundnut shell activated carbon 202141026524 A 06-03-21 25.06.2021
17 Kanimozhee SJ& Dr. Srikanth Reddy Assessment and modelling of pedestrian crossing speed at an uncontrolled mid-block section considering pedestrian and vehicular characteristics 202141026525 A 06-03-21 25.06.2021
18 Dr. Rajashekhar S Laddimath, et al IoT based flood detection and suitable evacuation during pandemic 202141026539 06-04-21 2.07.2021
19 Nandini D N Cost Optimization of Flexible Pavement for Conventional and Stabilized Subgrade using Bio Enzyme 202141029285 A 06-04-21 16.07.2021
20 Mrs.Pallavi To explore the quality of drinking water in devanahalli tank using Arc-GIS 202141030043 A 07-05-21 16.07.2021
21 Dr. Rajashekhar S Laddimath Performance evaluation of fabricated Venturi injector foroptimizing the water use and fertigation efficiency through micro-irrigation 202141030800 07-09-21 16.07.2021
22 Ajay Bhaskar Reddy, Dr. Y. Ramalinga Reddy, Jayachandra Vertical Rainwater filter using Chemical and Biological media 202141031393 13/7/2021 16.07.2021
23 Raveesh J Use of Crumb rubber modified bitumen-55 in warm mix asphalt (WMA) in bituminous concrete grade –II 202141031386 13/7/2021 31.07.2021
24 Dr. Y. Ramalinga Reddy Use of coal ash to manufacture mudbricks 202141031340 13/7/2021 16.07.2021
25 Nikita Anil Moodi Energy harvested using piezoelectric Technology for Roads 202141031341 13/7/2021 16.07.2021
26 Dr. T. M. Mohan Kumar To explore the influence of mineral admixtures like fly ash and GGBS in Pore structure of concrete 202141031338 13/7/2021 16.07.2021
27 Dr. Y. Ramalinga Reddy, Raghavendra YB, Dr. Seelam Srikanth Reddy Study on high strength concrete behavior with reduced amount of Portland cement 202141032005 16/7/2021 23.07.2021
28 Bomidi Varaprasada Rao Expression between Observed UCS and Penetration Resistance of Soiltreated with Lime, CaCl2 and Fly 202141032006 16/7/2021 23.07.2021
29 Nanjunda K N Development of Empirical Formulas to determine the Shear Planes 202141033078 23-07-21 06.08.2021
30 Bhavana B  Partial replacement of coarse aggregate with E-waste 202141034529 31-07-21 06.08.2021
31 Shylaja N Comparison of Mechanical Strength of Concrete with the Inclusion of Natural Fibres Viz. Human Hair  202141034530 31-07-21 06.08.2021
32 Sanjay Raj. A Strengthening and Improvisation of Mechanical Properties to Produce Low Cost Concrete Using Steel Slag and M-Sand 202141035484 06-08-21 13.08.2021


Sl.No. Name of Inventor(s) Title of the patent Patent Number Filed Date & Number Published Date & Number
1 B. Vinayaka, Sreenatha M Development of Intelligent Traffic Control for Emergency Vehicle Clearance 202041024932 13-06-2020 19.06.2020
2 K Chandraprakash Development of Wireless Sensor Network based Smart System for preventing Railway Accidents 202041055057 17-12-2020 25.12.2020
3 Prashant N and Kanimozhee S Artificial speaking IoT based “Talking Hand” an assistive device for dumb people in regional language Kannada 202041051443 26-11-2020 _
4 Prashant N and Kanimozhee S, Suresh B Artificial Intelligence IoT based eye gaze controlled Robot for persons with Dysarthria 202041054189 14-12-2020 _

