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School of Computer Science and Applications

Publications from inception of school (year wise)

Sl.NO Name(s) of Author Title of paper Name of Journal/proceedings Year ISSN number/ Volume/Issue/ Page number
1 Dr. S. Senthil A comparative study on data compression Techniques International Journal of Advanced Research in Data mining and cloud computing Jan-15 2321-8754
2 Dr.Senthil
Dr. S. Senthil
Comparison of classification algorithms for predicting breast cancer International Journal for scientific Research and Development, Feb-15 2321-0613
3 Dr. S. Senthil A Study on Advancements on the Zone Routing Protocol of Hybrid Ad Hoc Networks International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication Mar-17. 2321-8169
4 Dr. S. Senthil Classifier-based analysis for Lung Cancer Patients using WEKA Tool” International Journal of Research in Computer Application and Management, May -17.  2231-1009
5 Dr.S.Senthil ROI Based Medical Image Security International Journal of Technology Research and Management Sep-17 2348-9006
6 Dr. Senthil S Lung Cancer Prediction using Feed Forward Back Propagation Neural Networks with Optimal Features International Journal of Applied Engineering Research Feb-18 ISSN 0973-4562
7 Dr. Senthil S Implementing Dimension Reduction and Data Balancing in Predicting Academic Performance CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
8 Dr. Senthil S A Survey on Data Mining Techniques for Credit Card Fraud Detection CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
9 Dr. Senthil S Hybrid Security Model for Cloud based Telemedicine Applications using XML, ECRSA & Blowfish CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
10 Dr. Senthil S Big Data Application Areas and Hadoop: A Review CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
11 Dr. Senthil S User Zest Analysis Using Hot Event Detection in Web-Based Social Networking Information Streams CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
12 Dr. Senthil S Privacy and Security in an Internet of Things CiiT International Journal ofNetworking and Communication Engineering. Aug-18 0974 - 9616
13 Dr. Senthil S A Survey on Issues in Data Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing CiiT International Journal ofNetworking and Communication Engineering. Aug-18 0974 - 9616
14 Dr. Senthil S Social Media Data Analytics To Improve The Customer Services-The Case of Fast-Food Companies International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
15 Dr. Senthil S Geographic analytics and visualization for decision making: An application for online food delivery platform International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
16 Dr. Senthil S An Approach of Image Processing for the detectionof Cercospora fruit spot and Bacterial Blight disease on Pomegranate International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
17 Dr. Senthil S Classification Algorithm in Data mining International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
18 Dr. Senthil S Improving the Performance of Lung Cancer Detection at Earlier Stage and Prediction of Reoccurrence using the Neural Networks and Ant Lion Optimizer International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
19 Dr. Senthil S CREDIT CARD FRAUD ANALYSIS USING ROBUST SPACE INVARIANT ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS (SIANN) International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
20 Dr. Senthil S Improvised mRMR feature selection for predicting Breast Cancer International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Mar-19 2277-3878
21 Dr. Senthil S Using Heart Rate to Predict Students’ Academic Performance: A Pilot Study International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Sep-19 2277-3878
22 Dr. Senthil S A Dynamic Buffer Management Technique with Integrated CrossLayer Approach for Effective Routing Strategy in Zone Routing Protocol for MANETs Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
23 Dr. Senthil S Evaluation of Faculty Teaching Performance Using Students’ Heart Rate Data Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
24 Dr. Senthil S Predicting Employee Performance and Discovering its Correlation with Various Work Environment Factors Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
25 Dr. Senthil S Feature Construction by Using Autoencoder’s Fusion For Credit Card Fraud Detection  Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
26 Dr. Senthil S Auto Multi-ROI detection on Medical Images for Data Hiding using improved ORB Features and Optimised Clustering Algorithms Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
27 Dr. Senthil S The Impact Of Message Content and Descriptive Features On Review Helpfulness: An Empirical Study Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
28 Dr. Senthil S Algorithmic Analysis on Optimization Oriented Hot Event Detection and Product Recommendation Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
29 Dr. Senthil S A Comparative Study of Data Mining Techniques Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
30 Dr. Senthil S An Adaptive Model for Congestion Resilient and Deadline Sensitive Communication in Zone-Routing Based MANETs using Cross-Layer Architecture Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
31 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy “Enhanced AODV with Secrete Key Sharing to Improve Security and Energy Efficiency in MANETs”  International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications May-16 0975-0282
32 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy “Implementation of Extension Throughput-delay Guaranteed Routing for Reliability (ExTeGaR) in MANET of Wireless Networks” Journal of Application or Innovation in Engineering & Management Nov-16 2319-4847
33 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy Efficient Estimation of Result Selectivity for Web Query Optimization International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Nov-17 p:1311-8080
34 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy “A Comparative Study on Mining the Healthy Food Preferences of Women Clusters” Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Jul-17 2229-5518
35 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy Effective Cost Models for Web Query Optimization International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Jul-17 p:1311-8080
36 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy & K.Vijayalakshmi BIG DATA: It’s Evolution Till Revolution Toward Its Resolution CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
37 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy An aproach to Achieve High Efficiency for Large Volume data processing using multiple clustering algorithms International Journal of Engineering and Technology Jul-18 2227-524X
38 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy A Novel approach of renewable energy powered hybrid electrical power vehicle using BLDC Motor International Journal of Engineering &Technology Aug-18 2227-524X
39 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy Unified Provisioning Framework for Dynamic Virtual Machine placement Optimization in Cloud Data center International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
40 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy Performance Analysis of Image Coders, ANN, DTCWT International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
41 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy Improved Mathematical Model for Virtual Machine Placement Optimization with Resource Constraints International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation Mar-20 1475-7192
42 C. K. Lokesh & Deepa Crop Yield Predictive Classifier using WEKA: A Survey CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
43 C. K. Lokesh & Manjusree A Study on Wireless Sensor Network in Agriculture CiiT Programmable Device Circuits & Systems Sep-18 0974 - 9624
44 C. K. Lokesh Yield Forecasting for Indian Crops with Ensemble Model International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
45 C. K. Lokesh Self-Learning IOT Based Integrated Management for Improving the Quality of Yield In Pomegranate for Indian Conditions Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
46 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Challenges and Implementation on Cross Layer Design for Wireless Sensor Networks Wireless Personal Communications Jan-16 0929-6212
47 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan A 3-D Radio Irregularity Model (3DRIM) for Wireless Sensor Network Wireless Personal Communications Sep-17 0929-6212
48 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan MSVR Based Range-Free Localization Technique for 3-D Sensor Networks Wireless Personal Communications Dec-17 0929-6212
49 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan A novel computational geometry-based node deployment scheme in 3D wireless sensor network International Journal of  Sensor Networks Feb-17 P:1748-1279 O:1748-1287
50 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Time Synchronization in Wireless Sensor Network: At a Glance CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
51 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Smart Drone Implementation with IOT CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
52 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan A Scalable Memory Management Technique for Hadoop MapReduce Environment CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
53 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Service Oriented Architecture using Wireless Sensor Networks for Agricultural Applications CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
54 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Deep Learning through Image Analysis of Real-Time Videos CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
55 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Internet of Things with Wireless Sensor Network CiiT International Journal of wireless communication Sep-18. 0974 - 9640
56 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Internet of Things Enabled Technologies CiiT International Journal of Artificial Intelligent system and Machine Learning Aug-18 0974 - 9543
57 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan MakeSpan Map Reduce Architecture for efficient memory utilization International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Sep-19 2277-3878
58 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Specifying CPU Requirements for HPC Applications via ML Techniques International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
59 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan A Survey on Fuzzy Based Sensor Network and Its Applications International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
60 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Cloud Computing Model for Agricultural Applications: A Survey International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
61 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Secure and Supportable Burden Adjusting of Edge Server Centers in Fog Computing International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
62 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan The Discovery For Privacy And Security In Various Big Data Application: A study International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
63 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan SDN Based Data Offloading and Load Balancing Techniques for Applications in 5G International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
64 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Optimized memory model for hadoop map reduce framework International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Oct-19 2088-8708
65 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Energy Efficient Clustering using MMHC (Modified Multi-Hop Clustering) International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering  Nov-19 2278-3075
66 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Energy efficient clustering using the AMHC (adoptive multi-hop clustering) technique International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) Apr-20 2088-8708
67 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Smart Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles for Border Surveillance: A Model Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
68 Dr. Rajeev Ranjan Machine learning algorithms for Big Scholarly data: A Novel Approach Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
69 K. Vijayalakshmi Survey Of Data Mining In Socio-Academic Perspective INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH Sep-13 2277-8616
70 K. Vijayalakshmi A Comparative Study on Mining the Healthy Food Preferences of Women Clusters International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Jul-17 2229-5518
71 K. Vijayalakshmi Mining Behaviors On Learning and Feeding issues of Autism clusters International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research Aug-17 2277-8616
72 K. Vijayalakshmi Smart Cloud Enabled ECG Monitoring System using AliveCor CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
73 K. Vijayalakshmi Analytical Study on Enhancement of Satellite Image Processing CiiT International Journal ofDigital Image Processing. APR-18. 0974 - 9586
74 K. Vijayalakshmi A Survey on IOT Enabled Smart Agriculture CiiT International Journal ofDigital Signal Processing. Aug-18 0974 - 9594
75 K. Vijayalakshmi An Effective Ensemble-based Machine Learning Classifier for ASD with Feature Selection Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems Mar-19 1943-023X
76 K. Vijayalakshmi A Survey on Behavioural Analysis of ASD using Clustering Techniques International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
77 K. Vijayalakshmi A Survey on Mining Algorithms for Predictive Analytics of Asd International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
78 K. Vijayalakshmi Normalization of Behavioral Features in Autism Spectrum Disorder With Influencing Attributes International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) Aug-19 2278-3075
79 K. Vijayalakshmi Optimization of Machine Learning Techniques on Autism Spectrum Disorder with Swarm Intelligence Based Feature Selection International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2278-3075
80 K. Vijayalakshmi Decision Tree based Multi-Classifier Model for Breast Cancer Screening System Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
81 D.Revina Rebecca A NoSQL Solution to efficient storage and retrieval of Medical Images International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Feb-16 2229-5518
82 D.Revina Rebecca Analysing the suitability of storing Medical Images in NoSQL Databases International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Aug16. 2229-5518
83 D.Revina Rebecca Medical Image Handling in the Cloud based on Document databases International Journal of Computer Applications Jul-17 0975 - 8887
84 D.Revina Rebecca A Hybrid Data model to share Medical Images International Journal of Computer Applications Mar-17 0975 - 8887
85 D.Revina Rebecca Describing Feasible Budget of a Movie using Elbow Method CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
86 D.Revina Rebecca Industrial View of Security in Cloud Computing CiiT International of Programmable Device Circuits and system  Aug-18 0974 - 9624
87 D.Revina Rebecca Predicting Supermarket Sales Data Using Machine Learning Algorithms Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
88 G.Sasikala Real Time Services for Cloud Computing Enabled Vehicle Networks  IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering  Jun-13 2278-8727
89 G.Sasikala Enhancing ATM Security by Digital Image Processing CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
90 G.Sasikala A Scheme for the Exchange of Secure and Lightweight Data for Mobile Computing in the Cloud CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Aug-18 0974-9721
91 G.Sasikala RAAC: Robust and Auditable Access Control with Multiple Attribute Authorities for Public Cloud Storage CiiT International Journal ofAutomation and Autonomous System. Aug-18 0974 - 9551
92 G.Sasikala Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing CiiT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering Aug-18 0974 - 9616
93 G.Sasikala Artificial Neural Networks and Their Applications in Medical Diagnosis Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
94 Deepa B G Comparison of Classification Algorithms for Predicting Breast Cancer International Journal for Scientific Research & Development Feb-17. 2321-0613
96 Deepa B G Review on Breast Cancer Recurrence Rate CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
97 Deepa B G An Android Application for Breast Cancer Analysis CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
98 Deepa B G Effect of Feature Selection Technique on Classifiers in Prediction of Breast Cancer Tissues CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
99 Deepa B G E-Governance and its Projects: A Survey CiiT International Journal of Artificial intelligence and Machine Learning Aug-18 0974 - 9543
100 Deepa B G Next Generation Cellular Network: A Review on 5G CiiT International Journal ofWireless Communication. Aug-18 0974 - 9640
101 Deepa B G The Next Generation Wireless Communication Technology: Overview of Li-Fi  CiiT International Journal ofWireless Communication. Aug-18 0974 - 9640
102 Deepa B G A Critical Survey on Agile Methodology CiiT International Journal ofSoftware Engineering and Technology. Sep-18. 0974 - 9632
103 Deepa B G Augmentation of Classifier Accuracy through Implication of Feature Selection for Breast Cancer Prediction International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
104 Deepa B G Smart Frame work of using IoT in ATM’s to identify the currency International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
105 Deepa B G Breast Cancer Recurrence Prediction due to Bosom Malignant Growth of Tumor International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
106 Deepa B G Home Automation with Smart Electric Power Supply using IOT International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
107 Deepa B G Data Mining on Classifiers Prophecy of Breast Cancer Tissues  International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
108 Deepa B G Prevalence of Mammography Images for Primal Prediction of Breast Cancer  International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
109 Deepa B G Logistic and Softmax Regression for Prognosis & Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Using Multilayered Neural Networks Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
110 Deepa B G Deep Learning Extraction of Features for Early Detection of Breast Cancer in Histological Images Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
111 V.Thirunavukkarasu Intrusive and Non-Intrusive Techniques for Detecting Fake Images International Journal of Business Intelligents Jun-14 2278 - 2400
112 V.Thirunavukkarasu Analysis of various Noise Models and Filtering Techniques used for Image Restoration International Journal of Research in Computer Science and Information Technology Jul-14 2319-5010
113 V.Thirunavukkarasu Evolution of Blind Methods for Image Tamper Detection-A Review International Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) Dec-14 0973-4562
114 V.Thirunavukkarasu A Novel Method to Detect Copy-Move Tampering in Digital Images Indian Journal of Science and Technology(IND-JST) Feb-16 O:  0974-5645
P: 0974-6846
115 V.Thirunavukkarasu Passive Image Tamper Detection Technique Based on Moment Invariants International Journal of ControlTheory and Applications(IJCTA) Sep-16 0974-5572
116 V.Thirunavukkarasu Non-intrusive Forensic Detection Method Using DSWT with Reduced Feature Set for Copy-Move Image Tampering Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Jan-17 0929-6212
117 V.Thirunavukkarasu Exposing Digital Image Restoration Techniques CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
118 V.Thirunavukkarasu Key Point Based Approaches for Copy-Move Image Tamper Detection-A Review International Journal of Research in Advent Technology Jun-18 2321-9637
119 V.Thirunavukkarasu Analysis of Edge Detection Methods in Image Processing International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
120 V.Thirunavukkarasu A Robust Blind Image Forensic-Investigation Method Based on Fuzzy Technique International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Sep-19 2277-3878
121 V.Thirunavukkarasu Passive Copy-Move Tamper Detection Methods for Digital Images International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Sep-19 2277-3878
122 V.Thirunavukkarasu Piecewise Fuzzy C-Means Clustering and Deep Convolutional Neural Network for automatic brain tumour classification using MRI images Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
123 V.Thirunavukkarasu Block Based Technique for Copy-Move Tamper Detection By Means of Image Transformation Technique Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
124 Surekha Sharad Muzumdar Big Data Analytics Framework using Machine Learning on Multiple datasets International Journal of Science and Research Aug-15 2319-7064
125 Surekha Sharad Muzumdar Analysis of Road Traffic Congestion using GPS NMEA-0183 sentences in Telematics Information Management System Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
126 Sneha N Prediction of Breast Cancer Using Mammogram Images by Data mining on the and Communication Engineering Extracted Features of the processed Image International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer May-17 2320-9801
127 Sneha N Big Data Application in Agriculture to Maximize the Rice Yield Crop Production and Communication Engineering using Data Mining Techniques International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer May-17 2320-9801
128 Sneha N Analysis of Agriculture data using Data Mining Techniques:application of Data mining Journal of Big Data Jul-17 2196-1115
129 Sneha N A Survey on Classification Techniques for Prediction of Diabetes Mellitus  CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
130 Sneha N Analysis of diabetes mellitus for early prediction using optimal features selection Journal of Big Data Jan-19 2196-1115
131 Sneha N A SURVEY ON LATEST IOT SENSORS USED IN AGRICULTURES ON NON FOOD CROPS International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
132 Sneha N Smart Fencing Solutions for Crop Monitoring System Using Internet of Things Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
133 Sushma KV CloudStash: An Efficient Technique to Provide Security to Multi-Clouds International Journal of advanced and innovative research Apr-14 2278-7844
134 Dr.M.Jayakameswaraiah Issues and Techniques of Spatio-Temporal Rule Mining for Location Based Services Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology Software & Data Engineering Jul-13 0975-4172
135 Dr. M. Jayakameswaraiah Advanced Applications of Spatial Database for Geographical Information System (GIS) International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Aug-13 2229-5518
136 Dr.M.Jayakameswaraiah Mining Frequent Trajectory Pattern Co-ordinates in Spatial-Temporal Databases using Apriori Algorithm International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology & Security Aug-13 2249-9555
137 Dr.M.Jayakameswaraiah Evaluating Cloud Technology Solutions for Business Development and Business Strategies International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications Feb-14 2250-3153
138 Dr.M.Jayakameswaraiah Implementation of an Improved ID3 Decision Tree Algorithm in Data Mining System International Journal of Computer Science and Engineering  Mar-14 2347-2693
139 Dr.M.Jayakameswaraiah Development of Data mining System to Analyze Cars using TkNN Clustering Algorithm International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology Jul-14 2278-1323
140 Dr.M.Jayakameswaraiah Design and Development of Data mining System to Analyze Cars using Improved ID3 with TkNN Clustering Algorithm International Journal of Computer Science Trends & Technology Aug-14 2347-8578
141 Dr.M.Jayakameswaraiah Design and Development of Data Mining System to Estimate Cars Promotion using Improved ID3 Algorithm International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering Sep-14 2278-1021
142 Dr.M.Jayakameswaraiah A Study on Prediction Performance of Some Data Mining Algorithms International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Management Studies October 2014,  2321-7782.
143 Dr.M. Jayakameswaraiah Development of Data Mining System to Evaluate Performance Accuracy of J48 and Enhanced Naïve Bayes Classifiers using Car Dataset International Journal Computational Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mar-16 2349-8439
144 Dr.M. Jayakameswaraiah Computation Accuracy of Hierarchical and Expectation Maximization Clustering Algorithms for the Improvement of Data Mining System International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) Dec-16 2395-0056
145 Dr .M. Jayakameswaraiah Development Of Data Mining System To Compute The Performance Of Improved Random Tree And J48 Classification Tree Learning Algorithms International Journal of Advanced Scientific Technologies, Engineering and Management Sciences (IJASTEMS) March.2017 ISSN: 2454-356X
146 Dr. M. Jayakameswaraiah performance ASSESSMENT OF IMPROVED FARTHEST FIRST CLUSTERING ALGORITHM ON SMARTPHONE SENSORS DATA International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts (IJCRT) Dec-17 2320-2882
147 Dr. M. Jayakameswaraiah To Assess the Performance of EAHC Algorithm Using Sensor Discrimination Dataset for the Improvement of Data Mining System International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology Feb-18 2456-3307.
148 Dr. M. Jayakameswaraiah An Exploration of Security Challenges using Cryptographic Algorithms for IoT Applications CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
149 Dr. M. Jayakameswaraiah Development of IoT Application in Agriculture Sector using Smart Sensors CiiT International Journal ofDigital Signal Processing. Sep-18 0974 - 9594
150 Dr. M. Jayakameswaraiah A novel Approach for the Assessment of Decision Stump and Upgraded RF Classification Algorithms International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
151 V. Bhargavi, Cyber Security attacks in banking sector: Emerging Security Challenges and Threats American International Journal of Research in Humanities Arts and Social Sciences Feb-18 2328-3734
152 M. Manju Sree Breast Cancer Detection Using Machine Learning Techniques CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
153 M. Manju Sree Agriculture Using Cloud Computing CiiT International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics. Aug-18 0974 - 956X
154 M. Manju Sree Block Chain Bitcoin CiiT International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics Oct-18 0974 - 956X
155 M. Manju Sree Smart Parking System Using Internet of Things (IOT) CiiT International Journal of Biometrics and Bioinformatics Oct-18 0974 - 956X
156 M. Manju Sree Survey on Water Consumption and Leakage CiiT International Journal of Automation and Autonomous System. Aug-18 0974 - 955
157 M. Manju Sree Survey Paper on Google API’s CiiT International Journal of Software Engineering and Technology. Sep-18 0974 - 9632
158 M. Manju Sree A Study on Wireless Sensor Networks in Agriculture CiiT International Journal of Programmable Device Circuits and Systems. Sep-18 0974 - 9624
159 M. Manju Sree Diabetes prediction using Data mining Classification Techniques International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Sep-18 2277-3878
160 V. Francis Densil Raj Urban Mobility Statistics in India: A Review CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
161 Francis Densil Raj Automatic Railway Level Crossing System Using IoT International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
162 R. Pinaka Pani FOG Screen Technology: A Primer CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
163 R. Pinaka Pani Current Trends in Mobile Cloud Computing [MCC] Security & Future Research Challenges CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Aug-18 0974-9721
164 R. Pinaka Pani Code Coverage for Dynamic Memory Management & Garbage Collection in Share Market Domain CiiT International Journal ofSoftware Engineering and Technology. Sep-18 0974 - 9632
165 R. Pinaka Pani Serverless: The Game Changer CiiT International Journal ofFuzzy Systems. Sep-18 0974-9721
166 R. Pinaka Pani An Overview on Data Mining Techniques for Rice Yield Prediction on Clustered Region Of Kerala International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
167 R. Pinaka Pani Usage of Clustering Algorithms in Modern Agriculture Sector and Related areas - a Primer Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
168 M. Ranganathappa A Personalized Ontology Model forWeb Search by World Knowledge Base CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
169 M. Ranganathappa Survey on Smart City and its Dimensions in IOT  CiiT International Journal ofFuzzy Systems. Aug-18 0974 - 9608
170 M. Ranganathappa Harnessing Multi-source Data about Public sentiments and Activities Informed Design International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
171 M. Ranganathappa Block chain Technology for IoT Security and Privacy: “The discourse Analysis of a sensible Home” International Journal of Advanced Networking & Applications(IJANA) Apr-19 0975-0282
172 Dr.Kavitha Modified Intelligent Water Drops Algorithm with Tabu Search (MIWD-TS) for solving Multi-objective Optimization International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research May-14 2229-5518
173 Dr.Kavitha Enriched Intelligent Water Drops (EIWD) Algorithm with Genetic Operator to Solve Weighted Multi-Objective Optimization Problems International Journal of Computational Intelligence Research Aug-14 0973-1873
174 Dr.Kavitha Composition of Optimized Assessment Sheet with Multi-criteria using Evolutionary IntelligentWater Drops (EvIWD) Algorithm International Journal of Software Engineering and Its Applications Jun-16 1738-9984
175 Dr.Kavitha Biclustering using Intelligent Water Drops Algorithm with Leader Clustering Approach for Web Usage Mining International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics Dec-17 1311-8080
176 Dr.Kavitha Ensemble Deep Learning for Prediction of Palatable Mushrooms International Journal of Engineering & Scientific Research Jan-18 2347-6532
177 Dr.Kavitha Detection of Pedestrians, Sign boards and Road condition using Computer Vision and Deep learning for Highly Automated Driving International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies Jul-18 2319 - 1953
178 Dr.Kavitha Optimal Biclustering using Hybrid Swarm Intelligence for Web Usage Mining International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
179 Dr. V. Arul Kumar A Review on Clustering Algorithms International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies Aug-16 2349-4891
180 Dr. V. Arul Kumar To Implement the Framework for Segmentation of Land and Sea Using Mining Techniques International Journal of Recent Research and Applied Studies Sep-17 2349-4891
181 Dr. V. Arul Kumar Enhanced feature selection algorithm to overcome high dimensionality problem International Journal of Research in Advent Technology Jun-18 2321-9637
182 Dr. V. Arul Kumar Deleaing of data pre-processing with computational intelligence for sampling and analysis of soil-case bidar district-karnataka  Journal of physics Jun-18 1142 - 012004
183 Dr. V. Arul Kumar Detection and Prevention of DoS Attacks in VANET with RSU’s Cooperative Message Temporal Signature International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
184 Dr. V. Arul Kumar ECS: An Enhanced Cloud Security Algorithm  International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Jul-19 2277-3878
185 Dr. V. Arul Kumar MAR_Worm: Secure and Efficient Wormhole Detection Scheme through Trusted Neighbour Nodes in VANETs International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Dec-19 2278-3075
186 Dr. V. Arul Kumar MAR_Sybil: Cooperative RSU Based Detection and Prevention of Sybil Attacks in Routing Process of VANET Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
187 Dr. V. Arul Kumar ASIC Implementation of Random Perturbation Algorithm for Neural Network Application Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
188 Dr. V. Arul Kumar Dyanamics of Experimental Observation And Estimation of Soil Errosion Using Agricultural Data Sciences Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
189 A. Dalvin Vinoth kumar Route Discovery Overhead Aware Routing Protocol for IoT to Enhance QoS International Journal of ControlTheory and Applications(IJCTA) Aug-16 0974-5572
190 A. Dalvin Vinoth kumar Filling Fuel Quantity Measurement Systems Using Internet Of Things International Journal of Innovative Research and Advanced Studies Dec-16 2394-4404
191 A. Dalvin Vinoth kumar Deist: Dynamic Detection Of Sinkhole Attack For Internet Of Things International Journal Of Engineering And Computer Science Dec-16 2319-7242
192 A. Dalvin Vinoth kumar A Technique to Enhance Quality of Service using weighted Path Mechanism International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology Aug-17 2456-3307
193 A. Dalvin Vinoth kumar A Secured Public key Exchange Technique for Elliptic Curve Cryptography International Journal of Engineering Research in Computer Science and Engineering Sep-17 2394-2320
194 A. Dalvin Vinoth kumar Scheduling for Internet of Things Applications on Cloud: A Review Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research Oct-17 2454-1362
195 A. Dalvin Vinoth kumar TOPQoS : TENSOR Based Optimum Path Selection in Internet of Things to Enhance Quality of Service International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology Dec-17 2456-3307
196 A. Dalvin Vinoth kumar A Novel Technique to Enhance QoS using Location based Trust validation in 6LoWPAN for IoT Networks JCSC-International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Mar-18 2347-2693
197 A. Dalvin Vinoth kumar TNLIQ: Trust Validation in Ad-Hoc Networks using Dynamic Location Identification to ensure QoS JCSC-International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Mar-18 2347-2693
198 A. Dalvin Vinoth kumar An Algorithm to Detect Rank Attack in RPL based 6LoWPAN Networks JCSC-International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering Mar-18 2347-2693
199 Raghavi K B A Comprehensive Solution for  Risk Management in software development projects International Journal of Intelligent Systems Technologies and Applications Dec-17 1740-8873
200 Raghavi K B Recent Trends of Risk Management in Software Development:An Analysis Science and Management International Scientific Journal in Contemporary Engineering Dec-17 2456-1134
201 A. Amutha A Study on Symmetric key Ciphers in Cryptography and Network Security International Journal of Emerging Technology and Advanced Engineering Feb-18 2250-2459
202 A. Amutha Software Defect Prediction Mechanisms For Quality Enhancement International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Sep-19 2277-3878
203 A. Amutha Futuristic Colony Settlement in Outer Space: A Review Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
204 Prof.Krishna Murthy An Image Analysis and Processing Approach based on Connected Component Labeling and Euler Number Computing International Journal of Electrical, Electronics and Computer Systems May-16 2347-2820
205 Prof.Krishna Murthy Mining frequent item sets in parallel using FIU approach IRD-IJEECS Mar-17 2347-2820
206 Prof.Sree Lakshmi Document Representation Methods for Text Categorization: A Review International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science Applications and Management Studies Nov-18 2319 - 1953
207 P. Sree Lakshmi An Exploration of Security Challenges using Cryptographic Algorithms for IoT Applications CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Apr-18 0974-9721
208 P. Sree Lakshmi An Improved Hybrid Stacked Classifier For Multi Label Text Categorization International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Sep-19 0974-9721
209 P. Sree Lakshmi Intelligent Scoring Systems for Descriptive answers -A Review Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
210 Prof.Vidya IoT Based Home Applications CiiT International Journal of Programmable Device Circuits and Systems. Nov-18 0974 - 9624 
211 Prof.Vidya Applying AI Procedures for Discourse Feeling Acknowledgment Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
212 Mohamed Abdul Kadar Jailani Review of Fundamental Matrix Estimation Methods CiiT International Journal of Fuzzy Systems Sep-18. 0974-9721
213 Mohamed Abdul Kadar Jailani Image Restoration Model Using Total Variance, Bilateral and Wavelet Denoising Filter International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Sep-19 2277-3878
214 Mohamed Abdul Kadar Jailani Estimation of Inflection Point Of Interpolated FFF Beam Data Profile From a Medical Linear Accelerator Using Five Point Central Difference Method Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
215 Prof.Vijayalaxmi P. Chiniwar  A Survey on Underwater Wireless Sensor Network CiiT International Journal ofWireless Communication. Aug-18 0974 - 9640
216 Prof.Vijayalaxmi P. Chiniwar  Comparison of AES, Blowfish and Twofish Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
217 Prof.Vijayalaxmi P. Chiniwar  Taxonomy and Complete Overview from AI to Deep Convolutional Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
218 Prof.Vijayalaxmi P. Chiniwar  ARTIFICIAL INTUITIONS Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
219 Prof.H. Vijaya Kumar A Survey on Network Routers CiiT International Journal ofWireless Communication. Aug-18 0974 - 9640
220 Prof.H. Vijaya Kumar A Study on Cyber security by means of Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
221 Prof.K. M. Sinduja  Cryptography and Types Encryption and Decryption CiiT International Journal ofData Mining and Knowledge Engineering. Sep-18 0974 - 9578
222 Prof.Vinay ROLE OF SOCIAL MEDIA IN DIGITAL ECONOMY- A BUSINESS PERSPECTIVE REVIEW Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research Apr-19 2349-5162
223 Prof.Vinay A View on Sensors Used In Internet Of Things Int. Jnl. of Advanced Networking & Applications (IJANA)  Apr-19 0975-0282
224 Prof.Shreetha Bhat  THE SECRETS BEHIND THE PRODUCT-MAKING PROCESS Int. Jnl. of Advanced Networking & Applications (IJANA)  Apr-19 0975-0282
225 prof.Varish A Critique Survey on Diverse Approaches of Web Content Mining  Int. Jnl. of Advanced Networking & Applications (IJANA)  Apr-19 0975-0282
226 prof.Varish Connecting and Commanding Home Appliances Using IOT Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
227 Bhagya M Patil A Comparison of GVF and VFC on leaf images  International journal of plant research Nov-18 2163-2596     
228 Bhagya M Patil Comparative Study of Cotton Leaf Disease Classification Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
229 Bhagya M Patil A Comparative Study of Leaf Disease Classification Using SVM Kernel Functions Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
230 Prof. Kusha K R Offline signature verification for the assessment of neurodegenerative diseases  International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas and Innovations in Technology Jun-19 2454-132X
231 Prof. Kusha K R Design &Development Of An Effective Key Management In Dynamic Wsns Using CL-EKM Protocol for Secure Communications illustrate By Node Mobility Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
232 Abhay Srivastav “Refinement of  Data-Flow Testing using Ant Colony Algorithm” International Journal of Combined Research and Development Feb-15 2321-2241
233 Abhay Srivastav Multilevel CRC for Error Checking and Correction for Data Transmission Through IPv6 in Cross-layer Framework International Journal of Combined Research and Development Jan-17 2321-2241
234 Abhay Srivastav Living Ambient Environment Survey Using Ambient Intelligence as Companion Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
235 Devi A Modified DES using Different Keystreams Based On Primitive Pythagorean Triples  International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing  Jan-17 2310-9025 
236 Devi A Enhancing security in cryptographic algorithm based on LECCRS   Electronic Government, An International Journal Mar-17. 1740-7508
237 Devi A A Survey on Various Encoding, Encryption and compression Techniques  International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) Jan-18 Corpus ID: 212548970
238 Devi A Enhancing Security in Cryptosystem Using Burrows-Wheeler Transformation and Run Length Encoding International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science ,Engineering and Information Technology Jan-18 2456-3307 
239 Devi A Generation of Keystream For Symmetric Cipher using U-Matrix International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) Sep-19 2277-3878
240 Devi A Enhancing Security in Elgamal Cryptosystem Using Burrows-Wheeler Transformation and Run Length Encoding Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
241 Devi A A Study on Various Encoding and Compression Techniques Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
242 S. Umamageswari A Comparitive Study of Nature Stimulated Optimization Algorithm Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
243 Aryamol V K A Review on Smart Parking with IoT and WSN  Test Engineering and Management May-20 0193-4120
244 Prof. Ravi D Deep Convolutional Neural Strategy for Detection and Prediction of Melanoma Skin Cancer Biomedical Engineering: Applications, Basis and Communications, July 2021,  Vol. 32, No. 5
245 Dr. S.Senthil  A Statistical Analysis of Impact of Risk Factors Causing Lung Cancer among Non-Smokers Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education May 2021,  Vol.12 No.10 (2021)
246 Dr. S.Senthil Stochastic-Reinforcement Learning Assisted Dynamic Power Management Model for Zone-Routing Protocol in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks Wireless Personal Communications May-21 click here
247 Dr.Hemanth.K.S Image Scheduling using Cloud Energy Data Computational Techniques Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education
248 Bhagya M. Patil A Perspective View of Cotton Leaf Image Classification Using Machine Learning Algorithms Using WEKA Advances in Human-Computer Interaction Vol.12 No.11 (2021), 4689-4694
249 Prof.Anushree Raj Novel DNA Cryptosystem using Genetic Operators Design Engineering vol.2021,Article ID9367778,15pages,2021.
250 Dr.Devi Secure Public Key cryptosystem for smart city Using Algebraic Structure Design Engineering ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Isdzssue: 7 | Pages: 7935- 7943
251 Dr.Anand R MAR Security: Improved Security Mechanism for Emergency Messages of VANET using group Key Management & Cryptography Schemes (GKMC) International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications(IJCNC) ISSN: 3477-3484
252 Prof.Anushree Raj Scalable Two-Phase Top-Down Specification for Big Data Anonymization Using Apache Pig. In: Chiplunkar N., Fukao T. (eds) Advances in Artificial Intelligence and Data Engineering. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1133. Springer, Singapore. ISSN: 0974-9322(online): 0975-2293(Print)
254 Sneha N, Meenakshi Sundaram, Anirudh R, Ameena sadiya. Crop Quality Assesment through Crop Disease in Agriculture Using Deep Learning Models : A systematic review ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X
255 Prof. Komala,  The blockchain based decentralized approaches for cloud computing to offer enhanced quality of service in terms of privacy preservation and security: A review International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security Apr-21 VOL 21 NO4 
256 Prof.Anushree Raj Anonymization of sensitive data in unstructured documents using NLP International Journal of Mechanical Engineering And Technology May-21 Volume 12, issue 4
257 Pallavi M O, A new reversible data hiding in encrypted image based on multi secret sharing and light weighted cryptographic algorithm International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology(IRJET),  July 2021,  2395-0056
258 G. Kadiravan TWO-TIER METAHEURISTIC BASED ENERGY AWARE CLUSTERING TECHNIQUE FOR WIRELESS SENSOR NETWORKS Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation 2021 ISSN 2651-4451 | e-ISSN 2651-446X
259 Sneha N, Meenakshi Sundaram, Crop Quality Assesment through Crop Disease in Agriculture Using Deep Learning Models : A systematic review Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342. | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 
260 Anirudh R, Ameena sadiya.
261  Deepa B G, Dr.S.Senthil Regression Routines for Breast Cancer Prediction using Multilayered Neural Network  Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 14995 - 15006
262 Devi.A, Shobhana Saxena Green Cloud Computing: A Survey on Different Aspects Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
263 Dharamvir , Hemanth K. S Review of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Transformational Image Signals Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 15007 - 15016
264 Dr. Devi. A, Neha Block chain: The Security Provider Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
265 Dr.G.Sasikala Comparison of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Liver Disease Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | 
266 Kusha K.R Recent advances in the development of enhanced secure key management frameworks in dynamic mobile wireless sensor networks - A review Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
267 Jesla Joseph Role Of Augmented Reality In Building A Smart City Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
268 Manju.B, Adithya V An Industrial IoT Gateway Using Cloud SCADA and MES Services Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
269 Shobhana Saxena Designed an Automated Attendance System Using Face Recognition Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
270 Raghavendra Mokashi, Dr. Revina Rebecca D A review of the various security risks involved with emerging Augmented Reality Technologies Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 
271 Divya Kshatriya, Revina Rebecca Cloud Federation - Understanding its Characteristics, Models & Challenges: A Survey Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 
272 Pinaka Pani. R,  A Survey on Crop Yielding Methods in Various Technologies  Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 
273 Hemanth.KS
274 Vijaya Kumar H SURVEY ON IMAGE SEGMENTATION Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 15160 - 15165
275 Prof. Vijayalaxmi. P. Chiniwar An Introduction to what Cryptocurrency is not, cryptocurrency emergence and its stake holders : A Survey Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 15093 - 15102
276 Prof. Deepa B G The Future of AR with AI and ML Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
277 Prof. Krishnamurthy R Industrial IoT Gateway Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 
278 Prof. Mohamed Abdul Khader Jailani Tensor Linear Regression Using Pytorch Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
279 Prof. Shobhana Saxena Designed an Automated Attendance System Using Face Recognition Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 15055 - 15061
280 Prof. P.Sree lakshmi A Model to detect Face Mask  Using TensorFlow, MobileNetV2 and OpenCV2 Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 15112 - 15123
281 Prof. Sneha N Crop Disease Identification Using Deep Learning Models  Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
282 Prof. Kusha Recent advances in the development of enhanced secure key management frameworks in dynamic mobile wireless sensor networks - A review  Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 15027 - 15039
283 Dr. Devi Block chain: The Security Provider Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 15017 - 15026
284 Prof. Adhitya Analysis Of Cyber Security Challenges And Its Emergning Trends On Latest Technologies Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
285 Prof. Abhay Bringing machine learning in pizza chat bot to improve pizza order and delivery Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 
286 Prof.Manju An Industrial IoT Gateway Using Cloud SCADA and MES Services Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 
287 Prof.Pallavi.P.O Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based Using Cryptographic Algorithm Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
288 Prof. Jesla Role Of Augmented Reality In Building A Smart City Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 
289 Prof. Komala Real Time Vehicle Monitoring and Record Fetching System from Server to Traffic Police’s Smart Phone  Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages:
290 Prof.Aryamol A Review on Healthcare Medical Queries Exploitation Using Reinforcement Learning Design Engineering(Toronto) 2021 ISSN: 0011-9342 | Year 2021 Issue: 8 | Pages: 
291 Dr. Devi.  Block Chain: The Security Provider Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
292 Hemanth K S Synergetic Observation of Soil Water Movement Pathways and Expression of Deficit Using Data Mining Techniques Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
293 Sneha N Prediction of Agricultural Crop Yields Using Deep Learning Techniques Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
294 Dr.G.Sasikala Comparison of Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Predicting Liver Disease Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) Proceedings of the International Conference on 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
295 Rajeev Ranjan Diabetes Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Ensemble Method Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
296 Dr. Devi. A, Anmol Verma A Survey of Different Aspects of Neuromorphic Computing Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
297 Deepa B G Wi-Fi Security Testing With Pwnagotchi Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
298 G. Kumaresan Filtering Unwanted Messages from Online Social Network Using Machine Learning Technique Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
299 G. Kumaresan An Industrial IoT Gateway Using Cloud SCADA and MES Services Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
300 G. Kumaresan Designed an Automated Attendance System Using Face Recognition Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
301 Dr. Devi. A, Prof. Shobhana Saxena Green Cloud Computing: A Survey on Different Aspects Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
302 Abhay Shrivastava Automated Bus Ticketing System Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
303 Sneha N A Review on Paddy Crop Disease Detection Using Deep Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
304 Rajeev Ranjan Anti-fake Technology of Commodity by Using QR Code Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
305 Deepa B G  , Dr. S Senthil  The Future of AR with AI and ML System” - A Review Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
306 Abhay Kumar Srivastav , Dr. Revina Rebecca D  “Machine Learning Based Urban Flood - Control Management system'- A review Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
307 Rajeev Ranjan Agriculture Data Analysis using Parallel K-Nearset Neighbor Clasification Algorithm Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
308 Dr.G.Sasikala Artificial Intelligence and its Applications Transforming the Modern World: A Tutorial and Survey Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
309 Dr.G.Sasikala Use of Neural Networks for Land Cover Classifications of Remote Sensing Images Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
310 Pinaka Pani. R Brain Tumor Detection from MRI Images Using a Convolutional Neural Network Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
311 Deepa B G Survey on Machine Learning Algorithms for Breast Cancer Prediction Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
312 Dr. Revina Rebecca D Artificial Intelligence Based Facial Emotion Detection Using Deep Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
313 Dr. Revina Rebecca D A Review of the Various Security Risks Involved with Emerging Augmented Reality Technologies Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
314 G. Kumaresan Internal Flexibility of Market Design for Sell By Bid Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
315 Bhagya M Patil Mamta - A Child Birth and Maternity App Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
316 G. Kumaresan An Improved Mobile Self Encryption Scheme for Confidential Data Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
317 Pinaka Pani. R A Survey on Crop Yielding Methods in Various Technologies Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
318 AryaMol V K A Review on Healthcare Medical Queries Exploitation Using Reinforcement Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
319 G. Kumaresan Enabling Multiple Cryptography Techniques to Protect Pocket Certificates Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
320 Pinaka Pani R Human Skin Color Detection Model Using Neural Networks and its Performance Evaluation Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
321 Anushree Raj  Machine Learning based Assessment System for Scholarships and Credits Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
322 Vijayalaxmi Chiniwar An Introduction to What Cryptocurrency is Not, Cryptocurrency Emergence and its Stake Holders: A Survey Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
323 Abhay Kumar Srivastav Loan Defaulter Prediction Using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
324 Abhay Kumar Srivastav Customer Segmentation - using K-means Algorithm in Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
325 Dr. Devi A Review of the Literature On Zero-Knowledge Proof Protocol Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
326 Abhay Kumar Srivastav Bringing Machine Learning in Pizza Chat Bot to Improve Pizza Order and Delivery Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
327 Abhay Kumar Srivastav Development of Software for Research Farm Management System Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
328 Abhay Kumar Srivastav Player Positioning Strategy Predictions Using Deep Learning Artificial Neural Networks Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
329 Dr. Senthil Stock Price Prediction Using Long Short Term Memory Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
330 S.Senthil 2 Development of Android Application for Chit Fund and Appointment Booking Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
331 Pinaka Pani. R Usage of Industrial IoT Gateway Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
332 S. Senthil A Case Study on Breast Cancer Diagnosis Using Machine Learning Classification Techniques Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
333 Rajeev Ranjan An Efficient Memory Utilization Using PHMR in Bioinformatics Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
334 Sneha N Analysis of Cotton Yeild Prediction and Disease Identification using Deep Reinforcement Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
335 Dr.G.Sasikala Development of Android Application for Data Extraction and Data Input Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologiesand Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
336 Rajeev Ranjan Broker Agent Based Mediation to Optimize SLA Negotiation Strategies in Cloud Computing Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
337 Lokesh C K Image Processing Technique for Pomegranate Disease Detection Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
338 Jesla Joseph Role of Augmented Reality in Building A Smart City Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
339 Sasikala G Implementing Applications using N-Tier Architecture Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
340 Jesla Joseph Human Skin Color Detection Using Skin Color Map Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
341 Pinaka Pani. R An Overview of Crypto Currency and Its Applications Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
342 Deepa B G  Explosion on Internet Data Transfer Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
343 Vijaya Kumar H Predicting and Modeling Cyber Hacking Breaches Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
344 Prof. Vijaya Kumar H Human Skin Classification / Detection / Segmentation using the Threshold Classifier Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
345 Vidya.S Predicting Classification of Algorithms using Data mining Techniques Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
346 Bhagya M Patil Predicting the Share Prices of Insurance Company using ML Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
347 Deepa B G Modernized Mentor Reckon Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
348 Lokesh C K A Survey on Classification of Soil, Climate, Diseases, and Growth of Pomegranates Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
349 Pinaka Pani. R Bringing Assessment of Innovation Applications of the Ready-Made Clothing Businesses in Apparel Industry Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
350 Vijaya Kumar H Survey on Image Segmentation Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
351 Dr. G.Sasikala Analysis of Gender-Specific Prediction of Lung Cancer Based on Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
352 Lokesh C K Flutter Mobile Apps: End Users Perception Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
353 Pallavi M O Data Hiding in Encrypted Image Based Using Cryptographic Algorithm Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
354 Dr.G.Sasikala A Research Paper on Human Computer Interaction Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
355 Anushree Raj  Network Security: Issues and Challenges Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
356 Sneha N Comparative Study on CNN Architectures using Plant Leaves for Disease Identification Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
357 Shobhana Saxena A Study On Metamorphosis Technology Of The Quibit Revolution In Quantum Computing Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
358 Komala R 2 E-Filing of Heavy Vehicle Tax Paying Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
359 P Sree Lakshmi Red Wine Quality Classification Using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
360 P Sree Lakshmi Android Based Smart Learning and Attendance Management System Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
361 Dr M Vinayaka Murthy Non-Contact Advanced Approach for Detecting Covid19 Patients Using CNN Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
362 Dr.M Vinayakamurthy Crowd Monitoring System using Computer Vision Technique Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
363 Anushree Raj  Methods Revised in Lane Detection A Comparative Study Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
364 Kusha KR A Cyber Security And Challenging Threats Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
365 Pallavi M O Flight Fare Prediction using Machine Learning Models Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
366 Anushree Raj  Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
367 Anushree Raj Web App using React.js A Comprehensive Study Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
368 Ravina Rebecca Stress Detection Using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
369 Revina Rebecca D DevOps Culture: Systematic Study and Implementation Guide Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
370 AryaMol V K An Integrated Brain Machine Interface Platform with Neuron- based Elongated Neural Link Transformation Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
371 Shreetha Bhat A Comparative Study of Deep Learning Techniques over Traditional Methods in Automatic Train Operation Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
372 Sneha N An Automated System to Identify the Healthy and Diseases plants Using Deep Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
373 AryaMol V K Detection and Classification of Plant Diseases Using Traditional Machine Learning Model and Internet of Things Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
374 Rajeev Ranjan Multi-Agent Systems for Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
375 Rajeev Ranjan Intelligent Energy management in Industrial Internet of Things and Cyber Physical System: A Road ahead Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
376 Hemanth K. S.2 Review of Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Transformational Image Signals Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
377 Shreetha Bhat Fake Review Detection on Yelp Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
378 Shreetha Bhat Service Models Of Cloud Computing Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
379 Shreetha Bhat, A Study on Load Balancing Techniques in SDN Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
380 Shreetha Bhat Block Chain Application in Current and Future World Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
381  Kusha K.R Prediction of Hospital Readmission of Diabetes Patients Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
382 Kusha K.R Recent Advances on the Development of Enhanced Secure Key Management Frameworks In Dynamic Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks - A Review Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
383 Shobhana Saxena, Survey on General-Purpose Face Recognition Library with Mobile Application Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
384 Anushree Raj  Encoding and Decoding Algorithms to Store Big Data into DNA Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
385 A.P.Bhuvaneshwari Plant Leaves Disease Detection and Prediction Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
386 Vijaya Kumar H Credit Risk Modelling with Feature Engineering and Explainability Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
387 Anushree Raj Object Detection Using Deep Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
388 Bhagya M Patil Application of Artificial Intelligence in Health Monitoring system Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
389 Deepa.B. G Automation of Robots Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
390 Amutha A A Survey on Big Data Analytics: Challenges, Open Research Issues and Tools Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
391 A P Bhuvaneswari Different Methods of K value selection in K-Means Clustering Algorithm Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
392 A P Bhuvaneswari Effective Model for Prediction of Accurate BMI Using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
393 A P Bhuvaneswari Prediction of Cardiovascular Disease by Applying Dimensionality Reduction & Classifier Algorithms Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
394 A P Bhuvaneswari Predictive Analytics on PIMA Diabetic Disease by Applying Feature Engineering and Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
395 Ravi Dandu, Dr. M VinayakaMurthy Assessment of Melanoma Skin Cancer: A Survey Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
396 Ravi Dandu Monitoring IT Infrastructure using Nagios Core and Rsyslog Server Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
397 Ravi Dandu The Usability of Mobile Applications for Children Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
398  Ravi Dandu Women Safety Tracking System Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
399 Ravi Dandu A Framework for Real-Time Spam Detection in Twitter Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
400 Prof. Kusha K.R Parking Guidance Information system Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
401 Dr. Revina Rebecca Research on Virtual Reality (VR) Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
402 A P Bhuvaneswari Diabetic Retinopathy Detection Using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
403 Varish P V, Dr. Anand .R A Study on Web Mining and Categories of Web Content Mining Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
404 Varish P V Sentiment Analysis of Twitter Data using TextBlob Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
405 P SreeLaxmi Covid Prediction using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
406 P. Sree Lakshmi Big Data Analytics In Smart Farming Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
407 Mohamed Abdul Kader Jailani Performance Analysis of Linera Models, Decision Tree, KNN, Naive bayes and Kernelised SVM Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
408 P Sree Lakshmi Review of the Use of AI Techniques in Serious Games Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
409 Hemanth.K.S Pneumonia Prediction using CNN Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
410 Mohamed Abdul Kader Jailani Tensor Linear Regression Using Pytorch Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
411 Jesla Joseph Internet Banking System Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
412 Prof. Vijaya Kumar H Speech Recognition and Speaker Identification with Different Machine Learning Models Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
413 Revina Rebecca Cloud Federation - Understanding its Characteristics, Models & Challenges: A Survey Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
414 Vijaya Kumar H Quasar Framework For Fast, Easy And Cross Platform Application Development Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
415 Amutha. A Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
416 Pallavi M O Image Steganography Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
417 Ravi Dandu Cyber Security Challenges And Cyber Security Incidents Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
418 Shobhana Saxena Artificial Neural Network In Human Life Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
419 Shobhana Saxena  Stock Price Prediction Using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
420  G. Kumaresan An Analytical Study on Data Migration Planning for Legacy Systems Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
421  Komala R Real Time Vehicle Monitoring and Record Fetching System from Server to Traffic Police’s Smart Phone Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
422 Aditya.V Analysis Of Cyber Security Challenges And Its Emergning Trends On Latest Technologies Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
423 Aditya V New Trends In Web Technologies Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
424 Varish P V An Overview of Machine Learning in Chatbots Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
425 Varish P V Crop Yield Prediction Using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
426 Deepa BG Weblog Analytics Platform Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
427 Prof. Ravina Rebecca User Interface Design for Mobile Applications Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
428 Pallavi M O Smart Irrigation System Using Iot Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
429 Dr. Devi A Stock Price Prediction using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
430 Dr. Devi.A Online Marketing Through Consumers Various Tools And Techniques Across Industries Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
431 Varish P V Ai Chatbot For Covid Peoples Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
432 Dr. Devi A Survey on Different Aspects of Cloud-based Patient Data Encryption Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
433 Prof. Krishnamurthy R Industrial IoT Gateway Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
434 Prof. Krishnamurthy R  Video Game Addiction: Past, Present and Future Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
435 Deepa B.G Prediction of Breast Cancer Using Machine Learning Techniques Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
436 Krishna Murthy R Skin Disease Analysis Using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
437 Dondapati Haveela Comprehensive Analysis of Support Vector Machines for Big Data Cyber Security Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
438 Lokesh C K, Dr. S. Senthil Pomegranate Production and Yield Estimate in Karnataka Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
439 P Sree Lakshmi An Application To Identify Medicinal Values Of Leaves Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
440 Sasikala G Testing Reliability of Ahrefs Tool Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
441 Sasikala G Machine Learning Methodologies In Forcasting Heart Diseases Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
442 Bhagya M Patil Edge Computing: A Comprehensive Survey Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
443 Revina Rebecca Cryptography Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
444 Shreetha Bhat A Machine Learning Approach to Predict Autism Spectrum Disorder Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
445 Komala R A Survey of Qos In 5g Network For Iot Applications Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
446 P Sree Lakshmi A Model to Detect Face Mask Using TensorFlow, MobileNetV2 and OpenCV2 Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
447 Prof. Komala R Sales Forecasting With Data Mining Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
448 Dr. Anand Rajendran Covid Self-Aware Mobile Application Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
449 Mohamed Abdul Kader Jailani Analysis and study of K-Means Clustering Algorithm Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
450 Deepa B G Predicting Human Disease Using Machine Learning Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
451 Shreetha Bhat Smart Railway Track Monitoring System: A Preview Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
452 Abhay Shrivastava Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
453 Manzoor Ahmad Mohammadi Block Chain for Security Issues and Challenges in IoT: A Review Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
454 Mohamed Abdul Kader Jailani E-Learning: Impact of COVID19 In Education Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195
455 Hemanth KS Sentimental Analyzer for E-commerce Site Proceedings of the International Conference on Innovative Computing Technologies and Applications (ICICTA - 2021) 2021 ISBN:9788193110195

