Sl.No | Name of PI/Co-PI | Title of the Project | Funding Agency | Amount granted (in lakhs) |
Year in Sanction (DD.MM.YYYY) |
Duration of Project | Status |
1 | Dr Mallikarjun M Kodabagi, Rashmi, Surendrababu, ArunaKumar, Sowmyasundari | Inventory of Horticultrure crops using satellite image processing | ISRO | 2300000 | JAN,2021 | 3 Years | On going |
2 | Dr Mallikarjun M Kodabagi, Rashmi,Aruna Kumara B, Raghavendra Nayaka P |
Road condition monitoring | DST | 1500000 | Nov, 2021 | 2 Years | Granted |
3 | Dr Udayarani /Dr Mallikarjun M Kodabagi /Vinayakamurthy M | Instant thermo water heater for drinking | DST | 14,198,000 | 13/11/2020 | submitted | |
4 | Dr. Geeta D | Early detection of fungal diseases I grape vineyard: Remote sensing based high through phenotyping technique |
ICAR | 14,00,000 | 27/3/2021 | Submitted | |
5 | M Mallikarjuna | Symposium/Conference grant | SERB | 2,00,000 | 16/3/2021 | Submitted | |
6 | Suendrababu | FDP ON RPA | AICTE | 2,00,000 | 15/3/2021 | Submitted | |
7 | Anitha K | BYOS Be Your Own Saviour | KSCST | 25,000 | Feb, 2021 | submitted | |
8 | Dr.G.Parthasarathy | Application of Machine Learning & Data Science in the Cognitive Era | Indian National Science Academy | 60000 | 7th Aug 2021 & 16.02.2022 | Under Review | |
9 | L A Lalitha, Dr. Mallikarjun Kodabagi | Funding for Internation conference IC3CPS 2021 | CSIR | 50000 | 13th AUgust 2021 | Granted | |
10 | Sarvamangala D. R, Dr. Mallikarjun Kodabagi | Funding for International conference IC3CPS 2021 | DRDO | 1,00,000 | 13th August 2021 | submitted | |
11 | Dr. UdayaRani, Dr. Sangeetha | Smart Wheel Chair for Elderly and Disabled Persons | SERB POWER | 28,10,759 | Oct 14th 2021 | submitted | |
12 | Dr. Geeta D | Asian Elephant habitat monitoring and tracking system in Bandipur forest in Karnataka using WSN | SERB POWER | 3554000 | Oct 14th 2021 | submitted | |
13 | Dr. Geetha Mara C, Syed Thouheed Ahmed | Session based Public Auditing for Reconstructing Corrupted Blocks in Cloud Repository | SERB POWER | 27,73,560 | Oct 14th 2021 | submitted | |
14 | Dr. Geetha D (CoPI) | High Throughput Phenotyping for Early Detection of Fungal Diseases in Grape Vineyard using Remote Sensing Techniques. | VGST | 14,00,000 | Aug 08th 2021 | Granted |