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School Of EEE Student Achievement

School of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Students Achievements from inception of school (year wise)

Sl.No. Name of the Student (s) Semester/ Academic Year Name of the Event Name of the Award State/ National/ International Year of Award
1 Tanmay Dattani 2015-16 Colours of Youth(MTV programme,Cultural Winner National
2 Nihal George Vargese 2017-18 Photography competition @ BMSIT
Runner  Inter-university
3 Tanmay Dattani 2017-18 Beaker,Cultural Winner National
4 Nihal George Vargese 2017-18 WAVES 2017 @ BITS Pilani THIRD PLACE Inter-university
5 Nihal George Vargese 2017-18 Imprint,Cultural Runner National
6 Jyothi gowda D R 2017-18 ESTRALIS 2K18,Group dance,Cultural Runner Inter-university
7 Ravichandran,Raghavendra.H.S 2017-18 Infini 2018,Kabaddi Sports Winner Inter-university
8 Akshay Dilip 2018-19 DHWANI-2018Beat Boxing Runner National
9 Akshay Dilip 2018-19 MAAYA-2018Beat Boxing Runner National
10 Akshay Dilip 2018-19 VISAGES-2K18Beat Boxing Runner National
11 Jyothi gowda D R 2018-19 TVS Women's  Bike Racing,Sports Winner National
12 Ravi Chandran,Raghavendra.H.S 2018-19 New Horizon College,Kabaddi,Sports Winner Inter-university
13 Ravichandran,Raghavendra.H.S 2019-20 SPARDHA,Kabaddi Sports Winner Inter-university
14 Ravichandran,Raghavendra.H.S 2019-20 Infini 2019,Kabaddi Sportss Winner Inter-university
15 Akshay Dilip 2019-20 SAMBHAVAMI& BHAVAYAMI-2019 Runner Inter-university
16 Akshay Dilip 2019-20 BLAZE-2019 Runner Inter-university
17 Akshay Dilip 2019-20 TARANG-2019 Winner Inter-university
18 Akshay Dilip 2019-20 SCINTILLATION-2019 Winner Inter-university
19 Akshay Dilip 2019-20 KRITYA-2020 Winner Inter-university
20 Jyothi Gowda. D.R 2019-20 KYUROGI-2020,Sports Winner National
21 Jyothi Gowda. D.R 2019-20 POOMASE-2020,Sports Winner National
22 Vishnu GY 2019-20 Vollyball Tournamnet Runner Inter-university
23 Vishnu GY 2020-21 Vollyball Tournamnet Runner Inter-university
24 Akshay Dilip Kumar 2020-21 National (Colors TV Channel) -
Variety/Multi talented show
Selected for level 2 auditions
(Multi talent show) in FRAMES
Production Company
25 Anurag Adoni 2022-23 Indian Copyright Published an Indian Copyright on “Olfactory scent projection based on Colour detection in video scenes and objects for spatial visualization” under the category of Literary work National Sep 2021

