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School Of Legal Studies Students Achievements

School of Legal Studies

Students Achievements from inception of school (year wise)

Sl.No. Name of the Student Program / Semester Type of Activity Activity Organised by Achievement / Prize / Medal Intl / National / Regional / Institutional
1  Sirigireddy Thejesvi BA LLB (Hons.)  4th semester  IMUN  International Model United Nations Conference 62.0  Honorary Mention International
2 Yukta Sharma BA. LLB (HONS) 4TH semestee National moot IMUN Edunational online moot International Model UN conference 64.0 Undergoing National International
3 Sirigireddy Thejesvi (BALLB, 7th Semester) Internship with the Ministry of Law and Justice Ministry of Law and Justice got featured on the Ministry’s LinkedIn Page National
4 Mihika Suryavansh 5th semester BBA LLB

Selected as one of the top 25 students in PAN India for the Legal Literacy Fellowship by Young Leaders for Legal Literacy in association with Oxford University's Oxford Pro Bono Publico.

YL3 foundation is a novel initiative with the objective of percolating legal awareness in society.

The fellowship provided a platform for law students like her to become legal leaders to spread legal literacy to truly act as a catalyst of change.

Legal Literacy Fellowship by Young Leaders for Legal Literacy in association with Oxford University's Oxford Pro Bono Publico. Role of Young Leader National
5 Aparnaa V.P 3rd Semester BBA LLB

International Debate by Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies

Quiz Conducted by ministry of Electronics and Technology Government of India

Mediation by C.M.R University School of Legal Studies

Quiz on Supreme Court of India by Law Trend

Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies

Ministry of Electronics and Technology Government of India

Certificate of Merit

C.M.R University School of Legal Studies

Law Trend

Semi Finalist

Certificate of Merit

Semi Finalist

Certificate of Merit

6 Akula Supriya 5th semester BALLB Essay writing competition, Law Fest – Legal Quiz, Law Fest – Discussion panel of Indian States   Dr.Nagaraja V Professor, School of Legal Studies 3rd prize, 1st prize and 3rd prize respectively Regional
7 Bhumica M 5th semester BALLB Essay writing competition Dr.Nagaraja V, Professor School of Legal Studies 3rd prize Regional
8 Bhumica M BALLB
4th Semester
Article writing National Level The Legal Stone Article selected in top 50 Articles published in the legal stone website National
9 Anu C Nanda 4th sem Paper publication (should capital punishment be abolished) LawBhoomi Certificate National
10 Anu C Nanda 4th sem Paper Publication (Religion and Law) LawBhoomi Certificate National
11 G Kusuma 4th sem Certificate of Merit Paper Publication (Criminal Psychology) Legal Foxes-Quiz Competition
12 Gokul S BBA.LL.B Internship Pillax Law Firm Prize Institutional
13 Rannika Viii Sem. Bba Llb 1). Mock Parliament
2). REVA Moot
3). Research
1). Amity University.
2). Jnss Legal Cell
1). Special Mention Award
2)Top 10 Legal Researcher
International / National / Regional
14 Sankar Govind BBA LLB SIXTH SEM Moot Court competition T and G Associates Quarter Final National
15 Sankar Govind BBA LLB SIXTH SEM Article Law Express Published National

