Aspires to be recognized globally for outstanding value based education in mechanical and allied areas and research leading to well-qualified
The school of Mechanical Engineering at REVA University Provides technological solutions to industrial challenges and engaging in engineering research and innovation in the fields of design, analysis, testing, automation energy and manufacture of a wide variety of mechanical components and systems.
The School has redesigned curriculum in line with INDUSTRY 4.0 to solve problems of industrial and societal significance. The program makes students industry ready and competent to use latest technologies.
The program of Mechatronics Engineering is developed in direct response to industrial demand for engineers with multi-disciplinary skills. The program allows engineers to design, construct and run production lines and automated processes, where they apply acquired knowledge in computers and programming, micro-controllers, programmable logic controllers, industrial sensors, hydraulic system, pneumatic systems and electric drives etc.
M.Tech machine Design Program has Industry Orientated Curriculumenriched with courses like Design Thinking, TRIZ Techniques, Machine Learning, Vehicle Dynamics, CFD etc. It is Seamlessly Integrated with simulation Tools like MATLAB & Simulink, ANSYS Workbench, Adams, Vibration Measurement Lab etc.
REVA-Toyota Centre of excellence was established in the School of Mechanical Engineering in 2018 with an objective of Training the students in the field of IC engines and automobile engineering.
The Toyota-Kirloskar India limited donated two engines one with chassis and differential mechanism. The engines are altered by making cut section and providing motor so that students can understand by observing the working mechanism of engine and supporting parts. The effective utilization of the COE facility and meeting the expectation of the Toyota company objectives in 2019 again Toyota Company sponsored one more fortuner vehicle without body. The school has utilized the infrastructure through training the students by incorporating the schedule of student visits in the regular time table.
The first year students’ of mechanical engineering have under gone training in a batch of 20-25 students with duration of minimum 2hrs. Each batch was trained by a faculty allotted in the time table. The students from Computer Science Engineering, Electronics & Communication Engineering and Electrical & Electronics Engineering are also undergone training in this center. These students have the course Elements of Mechanical Engineering in Ist year in which they study IC engines. Therefore these students attended training 30 students per batches as per the time table. Totally over 2500 students got trained by this center with the guidance of Mechanical engineering faculty. The third semester mechanical engineering students have machine drawing as a course in the curriculum. Higher semester students who are studying soft core courses like IC engine, Automotive Electronics and Automotive Engineering have under gone hands on training on engine parts and working of an engine.
“Aspires to be recognized globally for outstanding value based education in mechanical and allied areas and research leading to well-qualified engineers, who are innovative, entrepreneurial, successful in their career and committed to the development of the country.”
Director, School of Mechanical Engineering
Welcome to the School of Mechanical Engineering. We started our journey in the year 2004 as Department of Mechanical Engineering in REVA Institute of Technology and Management. REVA ITM has become REVA University in 2013. Started with Bachelor of Engineering programme in Mechanical Engineering with 60 students, today, we have 1000 plus students are studying in School of Mechanical Engineering stream. School of Mechanical engineering offers B.Tech. Mechanical Engineering, B.Tech. Mechatronics Engineering, B. Tech Aerospace Engineering, M. Tech Machine Design and Ph.D. Programme. The sanctioned students’ strength for B.Tech. in Mechanical Engineering is 120, B.Tech. Mechatronics Engineering is 60, B.Tech. Aerospace Engineering is 60 and M.Tech Machine Design is 18 per year. We have nearly 50 plus Ph. D Scholars pursuing their studies in Mechanical Stream. The school has well-qualified and experienced faculty and staff members. The school adopted modern teaching and learning approaches, has excellent research and development facilities, in addition to excellent facilities for recreation and sports. Students are encouraged to live on campus to have better campus experience and our hostel facilities are second to none.
The curriculum is focused on imparting quality education, teaching technical know-how, promote problem solving skills and develop inclination towards research and innovation. The course curriculum is reviewed every year and updated periodically with an intention to train students based on industrial needs and keep abreast with advancements of technology. The curriculum is designed on project-based learning and students are regularly taken to various industries and research institutes. This will not only enhance their knowledge but also help them understanding the concepts of domain of study. Further, interaction with industry experts and MOU with industries will make students to understand what industry is expecting from engineering graduates. Internships and industrial projects are integral part of curriculum. This help students to develop practical skills, gain industry exposure, build professional networks, and improve employability.
By providing high standard research infrastructure, our active group of research members have established good relationships with leading industries and successfully established two automotive Centre of Learning collaborating with Toyota–Kirloskar Motors Pvt Ltd and UD Trucks Pvt. Ltd. The learning experience at REVA University is made unique by introducing Blended e-learning modules and industry-aligned learning methods. Highly distinguished faculty members with excellent academic credentials are adding strength to our School.
Apart from state-of-the art labs, our school has membership of distinguished clubs and societies and has opened student Chapters in REVA University. American Society of Mechanical Engineer (ASME), Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), Institute of Indian Foundrymen (IIF), International Society of Automation (ISA) and Aeronautical Society of India (AeSI) are to name a few. The students’ chapters are active by conducting seminars, workshops and technical talks. International conferences and national level student conferences are regular events that are conducted by our school every year.
This website provides an overview of the academic programmes, research facilities, profile of faculty members and details of student activities. We hope you will find this website is very informative.
If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our school looks forward to contributing to solving the technological challenges with active participation from all sections of the society.
Thank you for visiting us.